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SB0021P - Brand new AS-PL Starter motor brush set

Brand new AS-PL Starter motor brush set
Brand new AS-PL Starter motor brush set
NZ$ 12.49 including GST
NZ$ 10.86 excluding GST
No stock in NZ
Item available to backorder, submit your order. Aprox 7-14 day delay - $40 Air freight charge additional
Purchase Qty:
Height (H.1)17.9 mm
Length (L.1)31.6 mm
Thickness (T.1)6.9 mm
Unit TypeBOSCH
Voltage12 V
Width (W.1)15.9 mm
0001313001 0001313003 1313003 1313001 1208009 1311027 1313004 1311026 1313005 0001311014 0001311016 1211016 0001211004 0001211002 0001211001 0001208031 0001208032 1215001 0001208033 1208032 1208033 1208031 1311014 0001311007 1311016 0001311048 1211002 1211001 1211004 1208061 0001208061 1208025 1208026 0001311001 0001311045 1208024 0001208024 0001208025 1311001 1311045 0001208026 0001311039 1311048 1311007 0001311038 0001211025 0001215001 0001211024 0001211023 0001211021 1211021 1208058 0001311032 1208059 1208013 1311032 0001208013 0001208058 0001208059 1311038 0001208009 0001313005 0001313004 1311039 0001311026 0001311027 0001211016 1211024 1211023 1211025

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