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SD0415P - Brand new AS-PL Starter motor drive

Brand new AS-PL Starter motor drive
Brand new AS-PL Starter motor drive
NZ$ 69.00 including GST
NZ$ 60.00 excluding GST
No stock in NZ
Item available to backorder, submit your order. Aprox 7-14 day delay - $40 Air freight charge additional
Purchase Qty:
Inside Diameter (I.D.1)14.5 mm
Length (L.1)91 mm
Length (L.2)23.5 mm
No./Splines10 qty
No./Teeth9 qty
Outside Diameter (O.D.1)60 mm
Outside Diameter (O.D.2)35 mm
Unit TypeBOSCH
0001359083 0001359084 0001359087 9001083406 0001359089 0001359122 1359118 1359119 0001359118 1359113 9000083043 0001359119 1359077 1359111 9000083045 9958529 9000083046 1359073 1359074 1365004 0001360065 1359071 1359072 0001360063 9918347 1365007 9000453091 2006209343 1365008 0001359071 0001359072 0001360061 0001359073 1360061 0001359074 9000083027 9000083028 0001359077 0001359111 0001359113 225120 9000083031 0001360059 9928303 1359089 1359122 225124 1359087 1359084 1360063 1359083 1360065 0001360057 131381 0001360056 79028900 9000453077 0001359062 2006209118 9981565 79028909 0001359100 SDB1381 0001359101 0001359102 8122129 9926112 1354084 1360015 9000083063 54-9115 9000083064 9000083065 0001360049 9000083066 9000083067 1359097 9000083068 0001360043 0001360040 1359091 0001360046 0001360047 2006209122 9000083060 9000083061 0001360045 9935981 9000453083 9000453088 2006209406 SDV3894 0001359055 1.01.0315.0 9001083436 0001359057 940113020083 ZN0315 1360004 0001360039 9000083052 0315 9000083053 0001360037 9000083054 0001360038 9000083056 1359021 0001360031 0001360032 0001360030 0001360035 1014428 0001360036 9000453082 9000083050 0001360034 9935164 2006209417 81014428 225049 19024519 9002453073 1360037 1360038 1360039 0001360027 9957919 0001364108 1359031 2006209303 9008243 1360030 1360031 0001364105 2006209422 1360032 2006209421 1360034 0001360025 0001364100 1360035 1360036 0001359031 9002456073 1364108 1360027 9000083074 2910 9000083075 0001360015 UD17644SD 9983628 1364100 1360025 1364105 99811565 9956681 0001359021 9001083502 1360059 1359057 0001360004 1359055 2006209446 1360056 12-417 1360057 0001359091 2006209447 0001359097 225615 1360049 1359101 1359102 1359100 0001354084 1359062 1360040 0001365007 79034657 1360043 0001365008 1360045 54-9115-ZEN 1360046 1360047 0001365004

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