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SD0382P - Brand new AS-PL Starter motor drive

Brand new AS-PL Starter motor drive
Brand new AS-PL Starter motor drive
NZ$ 41.75 including GST
NZ$ 36.30 excluding GST
No stock in NZ
Item available to backorder, submit your order. Aprox 7-14 day delay - $40 Air freight charge additional
Purchase Qty:
Inside Diameter (I.D.1)12 mm
Length (L.1)64 mm
Length (L.2)14 mm
No./Splines10 qty
No./Teeth9 qty
Outside Diameter (O.D.1)46.4 mm
Outside Diameter (O.D.2)25.3 mm
Unit TypeBOSCH
1208040 ZN0068 0001208040 1311102 1211219 1211218 0001211209 1211214 0001211205 1211217 0001211204 1211216 1211210 1211213 SDV3878 225119 22-42-53 0001311046 0001311047 22-42-59 1211209 0001311049 1211204 61-15-6428 1211205 056911335 81013399 1211231 1211230 1311041 1311047 1311046 052911335 1311049 2843 225034 1211996 TMB421 1211236 1211995 1211233 0307 0001211025 1211235 1211234 3-413 1211220 11-400 1208054 1208055 1208053 9000693013 0001208254 0001208255 333520 1211988 0001311102 940113020078 1211987 0001211259 54-9101 0001211255 1211250 0001211250 1006209400 9000692036 0001314015 0001314014 UD17589SD ZN0307 1314015 1314014 9001082750 1.01.0307.0 1211259 0001211249 0001211248 SDB9405 0001211247 1211255 9000082030 0001211245 0001211244 SDB1405 130405 056911335A 1013399 1211248 1211247 0001211996 1211249 0001211236 0001211995 1211244 0001211235 0001211234 0001211233 1211245 0001211231 0001211230 5460-2103 22401631BN 0001311041 2006209163 0068 0001211988 9000082057 0001211987 2809 9000082056 1006209417 CDR10136AS 9000082050 0001211220 0001208053 0001208054 1006209412 0001208055 1006209411 1208254 ZBA911335 1208255 0001211219 0001211218 SDR10136.0 0001211217 1.01.0068.0 9000082045 0001211216 0001211214 0001211213 1006209403 1006209405 1211025 0001211210

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