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SS0032 - Brand new AS-PL Starter motor solenoid

Brand new AS-PL Starter motor solenoid
Brand new AS-PL Starter motor solenoid
NZ$ 117.71 including GST
NZ$ 102.36 excluding GST
No stock in NZ
Item available to backorder, submit your order. Aprox 7-14 day delay - $40 Air freight charge additional
Purchase Qty:
0001413001 0001413003 0001413006 0001413007 0001413008 0001413009 0001413010 0001413011 0001413012 0001413013 0001413014 0001413017 0001413018 0001418001 0001418002 0001418003 0001418004 0001418005 0001418006 0001418007 0001418008 0001418010 0001418012 0001418013 0001418014 0001418015 0001418016 0001418017 S0350 0001413001 0001413003 0001413006 0001413007 0001413008 0001413009 0001413010 0001413011 0001413012 0001413013 0001413014 0001413017 0001413018 0001418001 0001418002 0001418003 0001418004 0001418005 0001418006 0001418007 0001418008 0001418010 0001418012 0001418013 0001418014 0001418015 0001418016 0001418017 S0350
Length (L.1)41 mm
Outside Diameter (O.D.1)94 mm
Outside Diameter (O.D.2)56 mm
Unit TypeBOSCH
Voltage12 V
SSB3487 1413009 1413008 1413007 1413006 0001413007 0001413008 SND11009 0001413006 0001413009 0001413010 1418015 0001413011 1418016 S0513 1418013 1418014 0001413014 0001413012 1418017 0001413013 S0350 1413003 1413001 1418012 66-9165-1 1418010 1413018 1413017 05727122 0001418017 0001527810 1012865 19024326 0001413003 0001418013 0001418014 S0836S 0001413001 0001418015 0001418016 0001418010 1413014 81012865 1413013 0001418012 1413012 1413011 1413010 BOS0331450009 9962880 133487 UD44532SS 227208 0001418006 1334751C1 0001418007 0001418008 0001418002 0001418003 0001418004 0001418005 0001418001 A0001527810 CQ2030243 UD20221SS 0001413018 0001413017 1418004 1418005 1418002 1418003 SSB3487HE 1418008 1418006 1418007 0331450009 1418001

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