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SS0006 - Brand new AS-PL Starter motor solenoid

Brand new AS-PL Starter motor solenoid
Brand new AS-PL Starter motor solenoid
NZ$ 66.17 including GST
NZ$ 57.54 excluding GST
No stock in NZ
Item available to backorder, submit your order. Aprox 7-14 day delay - $40 Air freight charge additional
Purchase Qty:
0001208200 0001208506 0001311118 0001314002 9000082045 9000082060 0001208201 0001211214 0001311122 0001314018 9000082049 9000082065 0001208208 0001211216 0001311136 0001314022 9000082050 9000082073 0001208213 0001211218 0001312027 9000082042 9000082054 0001208226 0001211219 0001313006 9000082043 9000082057 0001208200 0001208506 0001311118 0001314002 9000082045 9000082060 0001208201 0001211214 0001311122 0001314018 9000082049 9000082065 0001208208 0001211216 0001311136 0001314022 9000082050 9000082073 0001208213 0001211218 0001312027 9000082042 9000082054 0001208226 0001211219 0001313006 9000082043 9000082057
B+ Stud Diameter & Thread Pitch (B+)M8x1.25 .mm
Coil Bolt Diameter & Thread Pitch (Coil Bolt)M8x1.25 mm
Coil Bolt Length10.5 mm
Inside Diameter (I.D.1)27 mm
L.B+18 mm
Length (L.1)68.7 mm
Outside Diameter (O.D.1)56.5 mm
Outside Diameter (O.D.2)49.7 mm
Unit TypeBOSCH
Voltage12 V
66-9129 1208201 1208200 0001208200 0001208201 1313006 1208208 1211219 1211218 0001312027 1211214 0331303019 1211216 9000082073 0331303030 ZM771 0001108021 1108021 9000082060 1312027 SND1169 9000082065 0001311122 059911287B SB-156 0331303040 1208226 ZM-2571 1208506 ZM-771 0001311118 227177 0331303038 UD805122(BOSCH)SS E3450 SB-164 1314022 1208213 0331302087 134826 0011521110 0001313006 SNLS-240 S0773S 6660-2110-2 130476 UD16223SS 227502 1314018 227753 0001311136 9330081039 2339303270 CQ2030024 ZM571 CQ2030026 0001314002 60-15-6535 1314002 1311136 ZM-580 0001208506 1011899 0331303503 ZM580 9000082049 0331303003 0001208226 1311122 ZM-571 SNLS-214 E3708 9000082057 9000082054 9000082050 0331303010 0331303530 0331303015 6660-2110 0001314022 0001208213 66-9155 1311118 0001208208 19024544 0001211219 SND12942 0001314018 0001211218 ZM2571 9000082045 0001211216 0331303007 227481 0001211214 9000082043 9000082042

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