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SRS6071S - Brand new AS-PL Screw

Brand new AS-PL Screw
Brand new AS-PL Screw
NZ$ 0.97 including GST
NZ$ 0.84 excluding GST
No stock in NZ
Item available to backorder, submit your order. Aprox 7-14 day delay - $40 Air freight charge additional
Purchase Qty:
0281003490 0281003491 0281003492 0281003641 0281003760 0281004330 0281006130 0280004340 0280004341 0280004343 0280007000 0280007001 0280007002 0280007370 0280007372 0280007373 0280007790 0280007791 0280008370 0280008371 0280008760 0280008761 0280008762 0280009030 0280009031 0280009032 1280000020 1280000040 1280000360 1280000570 1280000960 1280002070 1280003810 1280004390 1280004391 1280004660 1280005350 1280005760 1280006400 1280007300 1280007350 1280007353 1280009560 1280009590 1280009591 1280009592 2280000200 2280000450 2280000460 2280000640 2280000691 2280000880 2280001690 2280001780 2280001850 2280001891 2280001892 2280001893 2280002970 2280003000 2280003640 2280003641 2280003642 2280003680 2280004980 2280004981 2280004982 2280005020 2280005021 2280005022 2280005023 2280006020 2280006100 2280006612 2280006614 2280008040 2280008041 2280009010 2280009030 2280009220 2280009221 4280003810 S6001 S6011 S6024 SF6017S S2009 S13126 0281003490 0281003491 0281003492 0281003641 0281003760 0281004330 0281006130 0280004340 0280004341 0280004343 0280007000 0280007001 0280007002 0280007370 0280007372 0280007373 0280007790 0280007791 0280008370 0280008371 0280008760 0280008761 0280008762 0280009030 0280009031 0280009032 1280000020 1280000040 1280000360 1280000570 1280000960 1280002070 1280003810 1280004390 1280004391 1280004660 1280005350 1280005760 1280006400 1280007300 1280007350 1280007353 1280009560 1280009590 1280009591 1280009592 2280000200 2280000450 2280000460 2280000640 2280000691 2280000880 2280001690 2280001780 2280001850 2280001891 2280001892 2280001893 2280002970 2280003000 2280003640 2280003641 2280003642 2280003680 2280004980 2280004981 2280004982 2280005020 2280005021 2280005022 2280005023 2280006020 2280006100 2280006612 2280006614 2280008040 2280008041 2280009010 2280009030 2280009220 2280009221 4280003810 S6001 S6011 S6024 SF6017S S2009 S13126
Countersink depth (k.15.3 mm
Diameter (D.1)15.5 mm
Length (b.1)5.4 mm
Length (L.1)11.7 mm
Thread SizePH3 mm
Thread size & pitch (d.)M8x1.25 mm
Unit TypeDENSO
0280004340 0280004341 S13126 0280004343 1280007350 2280000691 2280001780 2280000450 1280007353 2280003680 280004340 280004341 280004343 UD42976SRS 1280003810 2280009030 1280006400 1280000020 2280000460 S2009 0280008371 0280008370 0281003641 0281003760 0281004330 280008371 280008370 280007790 280008760 280007791 280008762 280008761 2280002970 2280008041 2280009010 2280008040 0281003490 1280000360 0281003492 1280009560 0281003491 2280001891 1280007300 2280006020 2280000200 2280001892 2280001893 0280007373 2280009220 S6011 0280007372 0280009032 1280005760 1280004391 0281006130 280007372 2280003640 1280004390 280009032 2280003000 280007373 281006130 0280009031 2280005020 0280007370 0280009030 2280005021 2280009221 2280005022 2280005023 2280003642 2280003641 0280007001 0280007002 S6001 0280007000 SF6017S 1280004660 280009030 280009031 1280005350 280007370 280007000 280007002 280007001 2280004980 2280004981 2280004982 0280008762 0280008761 0280007791 0280008760 0280007790 1280000570 1280009590 1280002070 1280009591 1280009592 2280006612 281004330 2280006614 281003760 281003641 1280000960 4280003810 S6024 1280000040 281003492 281003491 2280001690 281003490 2280006100 2280000640 2280001850 2280000880

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