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SRS0154S - Brand new AS-PL Oil seal

Brand new AS-PL Oil seal
Brand new AS-PL Oil seal
NZ$ 4.97 including GST
NZ$ 4.32 excluding GST
No stock in NZ
Item available to backorder, submit your order. Aprox 7-14 day delay - $40 Air freight charge additional
Purchase Qty:
S0468 S0234 0001124020 0001125016 YM2111000BB 0001125017 0001124021 0001121023 1147432 0001125018 1111210 0001125019 0001121022 0001125054 0001125601 0001125053 0001125600 0001125608 0001125047 0001125605 0001125049 YM2111000BA 0001125046 0001125048 0001125607 0001125606 S0248 S0214 S0212 S0468 S0234 0001124020 0001125016 YM2111000BB 0001125017 0001124021 0001121023 1147432 0001125018 1111210 0001125019 0001121022 0001125054 0001125601 0001125053 0001125600 0001125608 0001125047 0001125605 0001125049 YM2111000BA 0001125046 0001125048 0001125607 0001125606 S0248 S0214 S0212
Height (H.1)2.5 mm
Inside Diameter (I.D.1)30 mm
Outside Diameter (O.D.1)40 mm
Unit TypeBOSCH
0001125053 1125053 1125054 0001125054 AZB1343 UD42587SRS 0001125607 0001125608 0001125605 0001125606 0001125049 0001125600 0001125047 1125016 0001125048 1125017 1125018 1125019 S0234 0001125601 1000500094 S0468 1121023 1147432 1121022 0001125016 0001125017 0001125018 0001125019 0001124020 0001124021 BOS1000500094 1124021 1124020 S0214 0001121022 0001121023 231343 S0212 0001125046 YM2111000BA YM2111000BB 1125046 1111210 1125605 S0248 1125606 S0403 1125607 1125608 1125047 UD42221SDK 1125048 1125049 1125600 02A911313A 1125601

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