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SRS0119 - Brand new AS-PL Starter motor rubber seal

Brand new AS-PL Starter motor rubber seal
Brand new AS-PL Starter motor rubber seal
NZ$ 2.07 including GST
NZ$ 1.80 excluding GST
No stock in NZ
Item available to backorder, submit your order. Aprox 7-14 day delay - $40 Air freight charge additional
Purchase Qty:
0001139025 S0480 S0292 0001109070 0001109064 0001138013 0001139019 0001109036 0001115008 0001125042 S0156 0001109031 S0396 0001139025 S0480 S0292 0001109070 0001109064 0001138013 0001139019 0001109036 0001115008 0001125042 S0156 0001109031 S0396
Height (H.1)17.5 mm
Height (H.2)7.2 mm
Length (L.1)23.1 mm
Length (L.2)13 mm
Unit TypeBOSCH
Width (W.1)24 mm
1138009 0001139019 0001115008 0001108196 1139019 1108196 1115005 0001115005 0001138009 1115008 S0906S 0001138011 S0314 S0315 0001115096 0001139025 0001138013 1115045 1138003 S0395 S0396 S0077 1138001 S0156 S0311 F002G20622 0001108222 1109036 1108222 1109031 1109070 S0228 0001138003 0001109064 S0549 1139025 0001109021 0001138001 1138013 1138011 S0389 UD41129SRS S0292 1109064 0001208425 1109021 1208425 0001109070 1139031 0001109031 0001109036 S0574 0001125042 1125042 S0480 0001115045 0001139031 1115096 S0527 S0322

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