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SRS0040 - Brand new AS-PL Starter motor o-ring

Brand new AS-PL Starter motor o-ring
Brand new AS-PL Starter motor o-ring
NZ$ 0.90 including GST
NZ$ 0.78 excluding GST
No stock in NZ
Item available to backorder, submit your order. Aprox 7-14 day delay - $40 Air freight charge additional
Purchase Qty:
S0090 0001123012 0001115047 S0218 S0307 0001115079 S0282 0001153007 S0312 0001107062 S0292 0001109070 S0237 0001137002 S0482 0001109344 S0228 0001115045 S0177 0001109258 S0458 0001153009 S0246 0001109048 S0272 0001123028 S0397 0001115082 S0090 0001123012 0001115047 S0218 S0307 0001115079 S0282 0001153007 S0312 0001107062 S0292 0001109070 S0237 0001137002 S0482 0001109344 S0228 0001115045 S0177 0001109258 S0458 0001153009 S0246 0001109048 S0272 0001123028 S0397 0001115082
Height (H.1)2 mm
Inside Diameter (I.D.1)17.5 mm
Outside Diameter (O.D.1)21.3 mm
Unit TypeBOSCH
UD40421SRS 1110115 1138009 S0191 1109048 1153007 1107062 0001107062 1153009 0001110115 0001153007 0001138009 0001153009 S0237 0001138011 S0314 S0315 1115047 0001137002 1115045 S0272 1138003 1138001 0001109258 0001123028 S0232 1115082 0001108428 S0311 S0312 0001108222 1108222 0001138039 1109070 S0228 0001109260 0001138003 1115079 S0307 0001138001 1137002 0001109344 1138011 S0389 1108428 S0090 S0292 1109344 1107083 0001107083 1109260 0001109070 S0533 1121435 0001115079 S0458 S0217 S0218 1123014 1123012 S0177 S0497 1109258 1108166 0001108166 1138039 S0282 0001115045 S0567 1123028 0001115047 0001123012 S0482 0001115082 0001109048 S0484 0001123014 S0243 S0322 S0246 0001121435

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