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SP0086S - Brand new AS-PL Starter motor spring for solenoid

Brand new AS-PL Starter motor spring for solenoid
Brand new AS-PL Starter motor spring for solenoid
NZ$ 1.24 including GST
NZ$ 1.08 excluding GST
No stock in NZ
Item available to backorder, submit your order. Aprox 7-14 day delay - $40 Air freight charge additional
Purchase Qty:
0001125505 0001124018 0001124019 0001125506 SS0045 S0234 0001124020 S0062 0001107020 SS0017 S0033 0001107022 S0046 0001211012 SS0284S S0192 0001125507 S0224 0001125051 S0141 0001107077 S0104 0001107025 S0125 0001124013 S0034 0001108151 S0094 0001124011 S0382 0001108003 S0395 0001115005 S0393 0001110003 S0270 0001125609 S0212 0001125016 S0614S 0001109306
Inside Diameter (I.D.1)7.3 mm
Length (L.1)44.5 mm
Outside Diameter (O.D.1)9.7 mm
Unit TypeBOSCH
1107025 1125051 0001125051 0001107025 S0192 1107022 0001107022 S0270 0001107020 S0614S 1108151 0001108151 1107020 1115005 0001115005 0001125609 S0393 S0395 1125016 S0033 S0034 1211012 S0234 0001124011 S0062 1124011 SS0045 0001110003 S0104 1125506 1124019 1125507 1124018 SS0284S 1124013 S0382 0001125016 S0141 S0224 1125505 0001109306 0001124020 S0094 UD14295SP 1124020 SS0017 0001125506 0001125507 0001124013 0001124019 0001125505 1109306 S0212 0001124018 1110003 0001108003 1107077 0001107077 1108003 1125609 S0046 0001211012 S0125

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