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SP0020 - Brand new AS-PL Starter motor cap for solenoid

Brand new AS-PL Starter motor cap for solenoid
Brand new AS-PL Starter motor cap for solenoid
NZ$ 14.21 including GST
NZ$ 12.36 excluding GST
No stock in NZ
Item available to backorder, submit your order. Aprox 7-14 day delay - $40 Air freight charge additional
Purchase Qty:
0001110007 0001110009 0001110010 0001208006 0001208007 0001208017 0001208018 0001208032 0001211005 0001211204 0001211205 0001211209 0001211210 0001211211 0001212213 0001212214 0001212402 0001212403 0001214002 0001215001 0001311139 0001312110 0001312111 0001315005 0001317016 0001317017 9000333109
B+ Stud Diameter & Thread Pitch (B+)M8x1.25 .mm
Coil Bolt Diameter & Thread Pitch (Coil Bolt)M8x1.25 mm
Coil Bolt Length10 mm
L.B+30 mm
Outside Diameter (O.D.1)54.5 mm
TypeSolenoid Cap
Unit TypeBOSCH
133148 1214002 0001208006 0001312110 0001208007 0001312111 1208007 1312111 1208006 1312110 0001311139 0001211209 ZM87691 0001211205 0001211204 0001211005 1211211 1211210 0001110009 0001110007 0001208032 1215001 1208032 ZM87696 1330516225 SNC1526 1211209 1311139 1211204 1211005 1211205 1212214 1212213 0001212402 0001212403 1110010 0001315005 0001110010 1315005 1212403 1212402 0001215001 9000333109 133776 0001212213 0001212214 0001208017 0001317017 1317016 0001208018 0001317016 1317017 1208018 1110009 1110007 1208017 0001211211 0001214002 0001211210

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