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SF6013S - Brand new AS-PL Starter motor yoke with field coil

Brand new AS-PL Starter motor yoke with field coil
Brand new AS-PL Starter motor yoke with field coil
NZ$ 75.69 including GST
NZ$ 65.82 excluding GST
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Item available to backorder, submit your order. Aprox 7-14 day delay - $40 Air freight charge additional
Purchase Qty:
S6175 4280003410 1280008871 2280007210 1280008880 1280009201 2280003360 4280001160 4280001590 1280008870 2280005960 1280007400 1280008970 2280006750 2280007591 2280000750 2280003370 2280008930 1280009200 2280008550 1280006212 1280008881 1280008981 2280008360 2280000751 1280008971 2280003470 1280008980 2280001331 2280006840 2280005970 1280006211 2280007791 2280004171 2280006760 2280005400 1280006210 S6221S 228000-9872 S6062 2280009270 2280009872
Height (H.1)62.3 mm
Height (H.2)47.3 mm
Kilowatt1.1 kW
Outside Diameter (O.D.1)68.2 mm
TypeFields with Housing
Unit TypeDENSO
Voltage12 V
SFN3003 S6133 S6175 2280004171 S6176 4280001160 1280006212 1280006211 1280006210 1280008880 1280008881 2280003360 028100-6150 2280008930 2280006750 028100-6630 2280009270 S6164 UD42097SF 1280008970 1280008971 1280007400 2280003370 S6376S 2280006760 2280007210 028100-7750 2280006840 S6195 S6035 4280000010 S6192 WSF39039 8943677700 1280008980 1280008981 230057 S6274S 2280008550 S6036 S6158 2280000750 2280000751 2280005960 2280005400 4280000860 S6062 S6183 2280008360 2280007591 4280001590 4280002560 4280003410 1280008870 1280009200 1280008871 1280009201 228000-9872 2280003470 S6221S 2280007791 2280006460 2280005970 2280001331

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