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SF6003 - Brand new AS-PL Starter motor field coil

Brand new AS-PL Starter motor field coil
Brand new AS-PL Starter motor field coil
NZ$ 104.12 including GST
NZ$ 90.54 excluding GST
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Item available to backorder, submit your order. Aprox 7-14 day delay - $40 Air freight charge additional
Purchase Qty:
S6005 2280007550 1280005732 1280002740 2280006560 2280005052 2280009630 1280005731 2280002200 1280005730 2280006572 2280007380 4280002590 2280007413 2280002470 2280005001 2280005610 1280002560 2280005000 1280002450 4280002370 1280004250 SF6008 S6005 2280007550 1280005732 1280002740 2280006560 2280005052 2280009630 1280005731 2280002200 1280005730 2280006572 2280007380 4280002590 2280007413 2280002470 2280005001 2280005610 1280002560 2280005000 1280002450 4280002370 1280004250 SF6008
Height (H.1)110 mm
Kilowatt5.5 kW
Length (L.1)228.3 mm
TypeField Coil
Unit TypeDENSO
Voltage24 V
SF6008 2280007380 59-8207 UD40512SF 4280002590 4280002370 1280002450 1280004250 S6326S WSF25006 2280002470 SSF40603 2280006572 2280005000 2280005001 028100-5410 1280005732 CM3027 1280005731 1280002740 1280005730 232908 1280002560 CSF40603AS 2280005610 1014684 S6005 2280007550 2280006560 2280005052 2280009630 138676 2280007413 2280002200 028110-5081

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