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SF4002 - Brand new AS-PL Starter motor field coil

Brand new AS-PL Starter motor field coil
Brand new AS-PL Starter motor field coil
NZ$ 157.53 including GST
NZ$ 136.98 excluding GST
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26227A 26227N 26227Q 26227R 26227V 26234A 26234J 26234K 26246A 26246L 26246M 26265 26265J 26265M 26274 26277EF 26282A 26282D 26284 26284A 26284D 26284E 26290B 26304A 26304B 26304D 26323 26323A 26328 26345 26366 26386 26410 27510 27578 538502 26227A 26227N 26227Q 26227R 26227V 26234A 26234J 26234K 26246A 26246L 26246M 26265 26265J 26265M 26274 26277EF 26282A 26282D 26284 26284A 26284D 26284E 26290B 26304A 26304B 26304D 26323 26323A 26328 26345 26366 26386 26410 27510 27578 538502
Height (H.1)125.5 mm
Kilowatt2.8 kW
Outside Diameter (O.D.1)285 mm
TypeField Coil
Voltage12 V
538502 130213 SFC0007 54245576 26227A 26304B 26304A 26274 26304D 26410 26277EF 26227N 26227Q CSF25005 26227R 26265J SSF25005 26227V 26265M TEB128 59-9203 26323 26345 27578 26328 26234A 54258818 26323A WSF968X 26246A 26284 26265 26386 54245079 26284A 27510 26366 26284D 245079 26234J 26284E 26282A 26234K 26246L 26282D 26246M 26290B

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