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SF0047 - Brand new AS-PL Starter motor yoke with magnets

Brand new AS-PL Starter motor yoke with magnets
Brand new AS-PL Starter motor yoke with magnets
NZ$ 45.89 including GST
NZ$ 39.90 excluding GST
No stock in NZ
Item available to backorder, submit your order. Aprox 7-14 day delay - $40 Air freight charge additional
Purchase Qty:
0001107423 S0242 0001107401 0001107407 0001107417 0001107425 0001107431 0001107437 0001107443 0001107478 0001107402 0001107408 0001107418 0001107426 0001107432 0001107438 0001107446 0001107479 0001107403 0001107409 0001107421 0001107427 0001107433 0001107439 0001107447 0001107493 0001107404 0001107410 0001107422 0001107428 0001107434 0001107440 0001107448 0001107406 0001107415 0001107424 0001107430 0001107436 0001107442 0001107456 0001107405 0001107411 0001107429 0001107435 0001107441 0001107449 S0244 0001121412 0001107508 0001120406 0001120410 0001121402 0001121408 S0100 S0088 S0494 S0088PR
Brush gear:w/o
Height (H.1)94 mm
Inside Diameter (I.D.1)66 mm
Outside Diameter (O.D.1)70 mm
TypeMagnet Housing
Unit TypeBOSCH
Voltage12 V
1107461 0001107461 28120OD130 0001121408 1107508 0001107459 0001121402 0001107456 1107456 S0100 S0584 1107459 0001107449 81017112 0001107448 0001121412 S0102 0001107447 0001107402 0001107401 0001107522 1107443 1107446 1107440 233572 1107442 1107441 S0379 S0088PR S0494 UD41049SF 1107448 0001120410 1107447 SFB3572 1107449 0001107479 1107433 0001107478 1107432 1107435 1107434 1107431 1107430 9949613 0001107508 S0242 S0088 S0121 1107437 S0244 1107436 1107439 1107438 0001107424 1107421 0001107423 1107422 0001107422 1107423 0001107421 1107424 1005001812 1107429 1120406 0001107418 S0275 0001107417 1107425 1107426 0001107415 1107427 1107428 1107410 1107411 0001107411 0001107410 1107495 0001107495 0001107493 1107493 1017112 1120410 0001120406 1107418 0001107409 0001107408 0001107407 0001107406 0001107405 1107415 0001107404 0001107403 1107417 0001107446 1107401 0001107443 1107402 1107522 0001107442 S0290 0001107441 0001107440 S0171 03G911115B 1005001999 1107407 S0295 1107408 1107409 0001107439 1107403 0001107438 1107404 0001107437 1107405 0001107436 1107406 0001107435 0001107434 0001107433 1107479 0001107432 1107478 0001107431 0001107430 06B911115 1121402 0001107429 BOS1005001999 1121408 0001107428 0001107427 0001107426 0001107425

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