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SD6040 - Brand new AS-PL Starter motor pinion for drive

Brand new AS-PL Starter motor pinion for drive
Brand new AS-PL Starter motor pinion for drive
NZ$ 35.74 including GST
NZ$ 31.08 excluding GST
No stock in NZ
Item available to backorder, submit your order. Aprox 7-14 day delay - $40 Air freight charge additional
Purchase Qty:
0280006260 0280006261 0280007740 0280008432 0280008740 0280009031 0280009032 1280000180 1280000181 1280000940 1280000950 1280001030 1280002130 1280002131 1280004950 1280005080 1280005430 1280005630 1280007471 1280009380 2280000211 2280001020 2280001030 2280001080 1552163011 1540163012 1546163010 1546163011 1551163011 1552163010 1552163012 1738163012 0280006260 0280006261 0280007740 0280008432 0280008740 0280009031 0280009032 1280000180 1280000181 1280000940 1280000950 1280001030 1280002130 1280002131 1280004950 1280005080 1280005430 1280005630 1280007471 1280009380 2280000211 2280001020 2280001030 2280001080 1552163011 1540163012 1546163010 1546163011 1551163011 1552163010 1552163012 1738163012
Inside Diameter (I.D.1)17 mm
Length (L.1)23.6 mm
No./Teeth9 qty
Outside Diameter (O.D.2)34 mm
Unit TypeDENSO
1280000950 0280008740 0280006260 0280006261 0280009032 1280004950 1738163012 1280002130 2280001080 1280002131 028099-6260 1280007471 280006260 280006261 280009032 1280005080 2280001020 1540163012 280008740 028099-6300 225751 0280009031 1552163012 028300-5741 2280000211 1552163011 028371-5390 1552163010 0280007740 0280008432 1280000940 1280001030 1280005630 028099-3380 1280005430 1280009380 280009031 1280000180 1280000181 2280001030 1546163010 280008432 1551163011 028099-5740 280007740 1546163011

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