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SD6027 - Brand new AS-PL Starter motor drive

Brand new AS-PL Starter motor drive
Brand new AS-PL Starter motor drive
NZ$ 99.36 including GST
NZ$ 86.40 excluding GST
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Item available to backorder, submit your order. Aprox 7-14 day delay - $40 Air freight charge additional
Purchase Qty:
S6009 S6157 S6179 1280007002 1280007010 1280007560 1280007561 1280007712 1280007713 1280007714 1280008210 1280008350 1280008360 1280009191 1280009300 1280009520 1280009730 1280009740 1280009751 1280009752 2280000340 2280000410 2280000901 2280000970 2280000981 2280001160 2280001960 2280002060 2280002061 2280002570 2280002571 2280002940 2280002960 2280003060 2280003280 2280003282 2280003283 2280003840 2280003841 2280003842 2280004000 2280004001 2280004390 2280005300 2280005301 2280007671 1280007000 1280007001 1280009750 2280001620 2280001700 2280002062 2280002520 2280003010 2280003020 2280004080 2280004300 2280004302 2280006310 2280006313 2280006660 2280007030 2280007031 2280007032 2280007390 2280007391 2280007392 2280007393 2280007400 2280007402 2280007403 2280008700 2280008731 2280008732 2280008800 2280008890 2280003281 4280004841 428000-4841 428000-4840 4280004840 4280004842 28000-4842
Length (L.1)83 mm
Length (L.2)18 mm
No./Splines10 qty
No./Teeth9 qty
Outside Diameter (O.D.1)53.6 mm
Outside Diameter (O.D.2)29 mm
Unit TypeDENSO
8943772520 S6051 2280003280 54-8235-ZEN 2280007403 2280003283 2280003282 2280001700 S6179 1.01.0818.0 2280000970 2280003842 2280007400 2280008732 2280003841 2280006310 2280003840 2280006313 2280007402 2280008731 028300-6990 61-29-14143 28011-76070 137753 31204-PM3-J010M 16611-63041 5446-1404 2280000340 2280004302 1280008210 1280007000 1280009300 1280007001 225360 1280007002 0818 2280000981 2280002520 2280004300 AMB0265 1280007010 2280002571 2280002570 2280003020 1013166 81013166 2280004080 S6187 1280008350 2280002062 2280002061 028300-7170 2280002060 2280006660 2280004000 2280004001 137753Z 2280008890 S6013 1280008360 1280009730 ZN0818 1280007712 1280007713 1280007714 2280000410 2280001620 2280005300 2280005301 SDN6753 54-8235 1280007560 1280007561 1280009740 2280003010 0280009260 S6009 028300-7990 2280008700 CQ2010315 2280002960 SDV38744 2280000901 2280004390 2280003060 1280009191 280009260 1280009751 1280009750 2280001160 1280009752 940113020265 S6157 2280001962 028300-7940 2280001960 2280007390 2280007392 2280007391 2280007031 2280007030 2280007393 2280008800 1280009520 2280007671 2280007032 2280002940

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