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SD3011P - Brand new AS-PL Starter motor drive

Brand new AS-PL Starter motor drive
Brand new AS-PL Starter motor drive
NZ$ 38.43 including GST
NZ$ 33.42 excluding GST
No stock in NZ
Item available to backorder, submit your order. Aprox 7-14 day delay - $40 Air freight charge additional
Purchase Qty:
432590 432622 432626 432643 432650 433320 436060 438086 455511 455553 455955 458228 D6RA100 D6RA163 D6RA249 D6RA293 D6RA32 D6RA33 D6RA39 D6RA46 D6RA48 D6RA49 D6RA56 D6RA59 D6RA61 D6RA62 D6RA93 432590 432622 432626 432643 432650 433320 436060 438086 455511 455553 455955 458228 D6RA100 D6RA163 D6RA249 D6RA293 D6RA32 D6RA33 D6RA39 D6RA46 D6RA48 D6RA49 D6RA56 D6RA59 D6RA61 D6RA62 D6RA93
Inside Diameter (I.D.1)12 mm
Length (L.1)51.3 mm
Length (L.2)15 mm
No./Splines9 qty
No./Teeth10 qty
Outside Diameter (O.D.1)46.2 mm
Outside Diameter (O.D.2)27.4 mm
Unit TypeVALEO
455553 458228 D6RA163 05-002 ZN0747 NE830 D6RA249 7701034955 432622 432626 18387 D6RA56 CDR15109 TDB441 D6RA59 1015216 1863 D6RA61 22479901 D6RA62 26-46-93 SDR15109 432590 81015216 SDV37613 SDV7083 433320 594108 185441 D6RA46 4.5160.1 D6RA48 D6RA49 AMB0227 436060 940113020227 438086 1.01.0747.0 D6RA93 186020 225310 54-9436 0747 D6RA100 432643 D6RA293 D6RA32 D6RA33 UD15623SD D6RA39 UD16825SD 455955 432650 135083 455511

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