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SD0165 - Brand new AS-PL Starter motor drive

Brand new AS-PL Starter motor drive
Brand new AS-PL Starter motor drive
NZ$ 33.60 including GST
NZ$ 29.22 excluding GST
No stock in NZ
Item available to backorder, submit your order. Aprox 7-14 day delay - $40 Air freight charge additional
Purchase Qty:
0001208172 0001208219 0001208220 0001208223 0001208232 0001208233 0001208409 0001208423 0001211227 0001211228 0001211237 0001211239 0001211243 0001311113 0001311149 9000333115 9000333116 9000333118 9000333119 9000692031 6029039 77FB11000BA 81AB11000BA 81AB11000CA 82GB11000BA 83FB11000AA 85AB11000BA 86AB11000FA V84FB11000AA V84FB11000BA 0001208172 0001208219 0001208220 0001208223 0001208232 0001208233 0001208409 0001208423 0001211227 0001211228 0001211237 0001211239 0001211243 0001311113 0001311149 9000333115 9000333116 9000333118 9000333119 9000692031 6029039 77FB11000BA 81AB11000BA 81AB11000CA 82GB11000BA 83FB11000AA 85AB11000BA 86AB11000FA V84FB11000AA V84FB11000BA
Inside Diameter (I.D.1)12 mm
Length (L.1)64 mm
Length (L.2)14.6 mm
No./Splines10 qty
No./Teeth10 qty
Outside Diameter (O.D.1)46.1 mm
Outside Diameter (O.D.2)26.9 mm
Unit TypeBOSCH
ZN0222 9000692031 82GB11000BA 83FB11000AA 86AB11000FA 1.01.0222.0 SDB1400 1208409 1311149 0001211243 225092 54-9131 6029039 85AB11000BA 77FB11000BA 130400 AMB0055 1208232 11-429 SDV3876 1208233 0001208232 0001208233 V84FB11000AA 1016940 940113020055 0001211239 1006209429 81AB11000CA 0001211237 1211243 81016940 0001208220 1208220 0001208423 1208223 V84FB11000BA 0001208223 1208423 0222 0001208219 0001311113 54-9131-ZEN 61-15-6435 0001211228 81AB11000BA 1211237 0001211227 1211239 2967 1208172 0001208172 54-9131-1 0001208409 0001311149 32-42-12 CQ2010052 1208219 1311113 9000333115 9000333116 1211228 1211227 9000333118 9000333119

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