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SD0052P - Brand new AS-PL Starter motor drive

Brand new AS-PL Starter motor drive
Brand new AS-PL Starter motor drive
NZ$ 33.12 including GST
NZ$ 28.80 excluding GST
No stock in NZ
Item available to backorder, submit your order. Aprox 7-14 day delay - $40 Air freight charge additional
Purchase Qty:
0001107033 0001107061 0001108042 0001108054 0001108063 0001108065 0001108100 0001108108 0001108115 0001108117 0001108129 0001108131 0001108141 0001108145 0001108210 0001109009 0001110011 0001110028 0001110041 0001110042 0001110111 0001110130 0001110131 0001111003 0001115035 89VB11000AA 9000692069 9000694008 92VB11000AA 0001107033 0001107061 0001108042 0001108054 0001108063 0001108065 0001108100 0001108108 0001108115 0001108117 0001108129 0001108131 0001108141 0001108145 0001108210 0001109009 0001110011 0001110028 0001110041 0001110042 0001110111 0001110130 0001110131 0001111003 0001115035 89VB11000AA 9000692069 9000694008 92VB11000AA
Inside Diameter (I.D.1)12 mm
Length (L.1)59.2 mm
Length (L.2)15 mm
No./Splines10 qty
No./Teeth9 qty
Outside Diameter (O.D.1)46 mm
Outside Diameter (O.D.2)29.4 mm
Unit TypeBOSCH
1108115 0001108117 0001109009 1108117 0001108115 11-554 1110111 1107061 0001110111 9001066476 SDB1362 0001111003 1111003 0001107061 42-42-70 2030 1.01.0475.0 0001110041 0001110042 54-9161-ZEN 1109009 0001108108 1006209559 1110028 1006209554 1108100 9001690111 0001108145 136345 0001108100 1108145 1108063 0001108065 9000692069 0001108141 1108065 0001108063 1108141 9000694008 92VB11000AA 940113020136 1115035 0001110130 060.000.076 1010889 1006209549 133362 54-9161 1108108 1006209547 1108210 1110011 0001108210 1110131 81010889 0001108054 0001108131 1108054 1108131 0001110131 0001110011 0001115035 1751 54-9161-1 1110130 225190 UD15554SD 1006209534 0001108129 ZN0475 1107033 0001107033 135115 0001108042 1108042 9001066242 0001110028 333201 9001066248 5460-1009 9001066247 0475 SDV38044 52-42-13 89VB11000AA 61-15-6522 1110042 1110041 1108129

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