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SD0034P - Brand new AS-PL Starter motor drive

Brand new AS-PL Starter motor drive
Brand new AS-PL Starter motor drive
NZ$ 40.09 including GST
NZ$ 34.86 excluding GST
No stock in NZ
Item available to backorder, submit your order. Aprox 7-14 day delay - $40 Air freight charge additional
Purchase Qty:
0001217174 0001218014 0001218019 0001218024 0001218101 0001218102 0001218103 0001218151 0001218154 0001218159 0001218163 0001218164 0001218167 0001218174 0001218703 0001218754 0001218759 0001218763 0001218764 0001218767 0001218774 0001217174 0001218014 0001218019 0001218024 0001218101 0001218102 0001218103 0001218151 0001218154 0001218159 0001218163 0001218164 0001218167 0001218174 0001218703 0001218754 0001218759 0001218763 0001218764 0001218767 0001218774
Inside Diameter (I.D.1)12 mm
Length (L.1)62.3 mm
Length (L.2)16 mm
No./Splines10 qty
No./Teeth9 qty
Outside Diameter (O.D.1)54 mm
Outside Diameter (O.D.2)35.2 mm
Unit TypeBOSCH
1218767 0001218767 135527 333514 1013461 81013461 0001218174 1218163 9009996289 1218164 0001218014 1218167 1218763 1218764 0001218774 9939710 0001218019 1218759 SDB9996 SDB1996 1621 940113170282 1218151 0001217174 1218154 0001218024 0001218101 0001218102 1218159 1218754 0001218103 0001218703 1218703 9003336283 1217174 F000AL1881 225393 0001218151 42531397 1218024 1218101 0001218154 1218102 1218103 0001218754 19-283 0001218159 1218019 0001218759 131996 1.01.0875.0 29-51-14 54-91133 ZN0875 0875 0001218163 0001218164 1218174 0001218167 SDV38169 1218014 1218774 UD15544SD 0001218763 9002336283 0001218764

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