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SBU9206S - Brand new AS-PL Starter motor bushing

Brand new AS-PL Starter motor bushing
Brand new AS-PL Starter motor bushing
NZ$ 38.09 including GST
NZ$ 33.12 excluding GST
No stock in NZ
Item available to backorder, submit your order. Aprox 7-14 day delay - $40 Air freight charge additional
Purchase Qty:
S0596 0001602002 0001604018 0001606013 0001607002 0001610001 0001612002 0001613001 0001613003 0001615001 0001615002 0001600006 0001600010 0001600013 0001601001 0001601007 0001601017 0001601025 0001601027 0001601028 0001601029 S0596 0001602002 0001604018 0001606013 0001607002 0001610001 0001612002 0001613001 0001613003 0001615001 0001615002 0001600006 0001600010 0001600013 0001601001 0001601007 0001601017 0001601025 0001601027 0001601028 0001601029
Height (H.1)24.9 mm
Inside Diameter (I.D.1)30 mm
Outside Diameter (O.D.1)37.1 mm
Unit TypeBOSCH
1615001 1615002 0001615001 0001615002 SUB0864 0001606013 1602002 S0596 0001601001 1601028 1601029 0001601007 1610001 0001610001 A4150101100 4150101100 1607002 1600010 1600013 1604018 1601027 1601025 1600006 1601017 0001601017 0001600006 0001613001 1613001 1613003 01289976 0001613003 0001607002 BOS2000301139 0001604018 0001600013 0001601025 0001601027 0001600010 1601007 0001601028 0001601029 UD46030SBU 9014811 1612002 0001612002 2000301139 1606013 1601001 140864 0001602002

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