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SBU9195S - Brand new AS-PL Starter motor bushing

Brand new AS-PL Starter motor bushing
Brand new AS-PL Starter motor bushing
NZ$ 4.83 including GST
NZ$ 4.20 excluding GST
No stock in NZ
Item available to backorder, submit your order. Aprox 7-14 day delay - $40 Air freight charge additional
Purchase Qty:
S9161 0230002561 0230003130 0230003140 M3T26685 M003T26685 0230001410 0230001420 0230001520 0230001550 0230001660 0230001670 0230001700 0230001750 0230002201 0230002341 0230001160 0230001170 0230001230 0230001231 0230001260 0230001270 0230001290 0230001292 0230001310 0230001360 0230001031 0230001033 0230001070 0230001071 S9161 0230002561 0230003130 0230003140 M3T26685 M003T26685 0230001410 0230001420 0230001520 0230001550 0230001660 0230001670 0230001700 0230001750 0230002201 0230002341 0230001160 0230001170 0230001230 0230001231 0230001260 0230001270 0230001290 0230001292 0230001310 0230001360 0230001031 0230001033 0230001070 0230001071
Height (H.1)20 mm
Inside Diameter (I.D.1)15 mm
Outside Diameter (O.D.1)19 mm
Unit TypeNIKKO
230001071 230001270 230003130 230002561 230001031 230001670 230001230 230001550 230001231 230001033 S9161 0230001700 0230001420 230001070 0230001550 0230001230 0230001031 UD43782SBU 0230002561 0230001670 0230001231 0230001033 0230003130 0230001270 0230001071 230001750 230001310 230002201 0230001070 7-23351-0040 140517 230003140 230001160 230001360 BUH63739 5-81129143-0 0230001750 0230002201 0230001310 0230001160 0230001360 0230003140 140522 230001520 81012227 230001170 230001292 230002341 1-81129397-0 230001290 0230001520 M003T26685 0230002341 0230001292 0230001170 230001410 0230001290 7-23351-0100 7-23351-0140 230001260 230001660 M3T26685 0230001410 0230001660 0230001260 230001420 1-23351-0140 4237 SUK0517 230001700

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