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SBR0002 - Brand new AS-PL Starter motor D.E. bracket

Brand new AS-PL Starter motor D.E. bracket
Brand new AS-PL Starter motor D.E. bracket
NZ$ 81.01 including GST
NZ$ 70.44 excluding GST
No stock in NZ
Item available to backorder, submit your order. Aprox 7-14 day delay - $40 Air freight charge additional
Purchase Qty:
S0002 0001358048 0001358050 0001359043 0001359084 0001359107 0001360022 0001360037 0001360052 0001360065 0001362051 0001362052 0001367034 0001367059 0001367300 0001367301 0001367303 0001368024 0001368048 0001368055 0001368062 0001368300 0001368307 0001368309 9007044002 B001816326 S0067 S0002 0001358048 0001358050 0001359043 0001359084 0001359107 0001360022 0001360037 0001360052 0001360065 0001362051 0001362052 0001367034 0001367059 0001367300 0001367301 0001367303 0001368024 0001368048 0001368055 0001368062 0001368300 0001368307 0001368309 9007044002 B001816326 S0067
Height (H.1)155 mm
Inside Diameter (I.D.1)12.55 mm
Mount Hole Center - Center (O.1)90.1 mm
Mount Hole Center - Center (O.2)90.5 mm
Mount Hole Center - Center (O.3)127.8 mm
No./Mount holes3 qty
No./Mount holes with thread0 qty
Spigot Diameter (A)89 mm
TypeDrive End
Unit TypeBOSCH
0001362052 0001362051 0001359084 1362051 1362052 0001359043 132219 CQ2170858 1360037 0001368309 0001368307 1367303 0001360065 1367301 1367300 0001367059 0001360022 0001368024 0001368300 1368062 1368300 1368024 0001368062 0001359107 1368309 1359043 1359084 BKT40207 1367059 0001360052 1360065 S0067 2005834341 1360022 1368307 B001816326 0001368055 SBB2219 A0001500207 2005824666 1368055 1358048 0001358050 1360052 9007044002 2005834113 0001368048 0001367034 1367034 0001500207 1359107 2005824570 0001358048 CQ2170001 0001360037 2005824843 1358050 1368048 0001367301 S0002 0001367300 0001367303

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