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SB9015 - Brand new AS-PL Starter motor brush set

Brand new AS-PL Starter motor brush set
Brand new AS-PL Starter motor brush set
NZ$ 15.11 including GST
NZ$ 13.14 excluding GST
No stock in NZ
Item available to backorder, submit your order. Aprox 7-14 day delay - $40 Air freight charge additional
Purchase Qty:
850615 850461 850277 850534 854082 851004A 850811 852651 851124 850894 851539 851483 850628 851002 851515 852650 852563 854139 850598 850604 851360 851339 850606 851450 850615 850461 850277 850534 854082 851004A 850811 852651 851124 850894 851539 851483 850628 851002 851515 852650 852563 854139 850598 850604 851360 851339 850606 851450
Height (H.1)21.3 mm
Length (L.1)55.8 mm
Thickness (T.1)9 mm
Unit TypeBUTEC
Voltage24 V
Width (W.1)20 mm
851360 UD12657SB 851483 852651 852650 851124 850277 851002 851515 851339 851539 850604 850628 850606 854082 851450 BUTSX44 SBR5705 850461 852563 850894 850598 854139 850534 850811 850615 851004A

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