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SB1008 - Brand new AS-PL Starter motor brush set

Brand new AS-PL Starter motor brush set
Brand new AS-PL Starter motor brush set
NZ$ 9.73 including GST
NZ$ 8.46 excluding GST
No stock in NZ
Item available to backorder, submit your order. Aprox 7-14 day delay - $40 Air freight charge additional
Purchase Qty:
8000032 8000321 9000786 9000798 9000805 9000806 9000812 9000819 9000820 9000821 9000822 9000834 9000835 9000850 9000860 9000899 9000936 9000952 9000965 96843574 PG260 96627034 S1069 SBH1008 S1081 8000269 8000032 8000321 9000786 9000798 9000805 9000806 9000812 9000819 9000820 9000821 9000822 9000834 9000835 9000850 9000860 9000899 9000936 9000952 9000965 96843574 PG260 96627034 S1069 SBH1008 S1081 8000269
Height (H.1)16 mm
Length (L.1)30 mm
Thickness (T.1)6 mm
Unit TypeDELCO
Voltage12 V
Width (W.1)19 mm
9000936 S1081 9000812 9000834 9000835 9000899 9000819 SBH1008 S1008 8000032 9000786 9000820 1011801 S1045 CQ2040091 9000860 PG260 S1069 S1004 9000805 96627034 9000806 S9256 SBR57153 9000821 9000822 9000965 S1154S 96843574 361002F000 68-142 68-142-2 9000798 9000952 68-142-1 8000321 9000850 140943 68-142-3 10499524 8000269

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