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SA3027 - Brand new AS-PL Starter motor armature

Brand new AS-PL Starter motor armature
Brand new AS-PL Starter motor armature
NZ$ 99.36 including GST
NZ$ 86.40 excluding GST
No stock in NZ
Item available to backorder, submit your order. Aprox 7-14 day delay - $40 Air freight charge additional
Purchase Qty:
TS24E30 S3127 TS24E30 S3127
Com Bars19 qty
Kilowatt2 kW
Length (L.1)119 mm
Length (L.2)10.7 mm
No./Splines16 qty
Outside Diameter (O.D.1)50 mm
Outside Diameter (O.D.2)30 mm
Outside Diameter (O.D.3)7 mm
Unit TypeVALEO
Voltage12 V
TS24E13 S3061 D7G18 TS18E331 TS18E3 D7G11 TS18E1 D7G13 D7G14 438184 458390 458391 438225 458231 438226 458351 458395 438227 458397 438189 438223 458237 D7G4 D7G26 D7GS8 TS22E45 S3094 458714 D7GS9 S3096 S3095 D7G22 438175 438252 438176 TS18ER121 TS22ER13 TS18ER123 TS22ER12 S3057 458367 438212 458446 S3080 458648 TS18E33 TS24E30 UD01366SA TS18ER22 TS18ER21 TS18ER20 D7GS10 S3172S TS18ER23 TS22E5 458291 TS22E8 TS24E6 TS22E9 TS24E7 TS22E5B 438281 S3123 438166 438287 458411 458256 S3127 438202 458412 S3070 458217 458415 D7G3 TS22E20 458218 458416 TS22E28 TS22E26 438195 438196 438274 438231 458185 458387 TS18E13 438232 458389

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