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SA2007 - Brand new AS-PL Starter motor armature

Brand new AS-PL Starter motor armature
Brand new AS-PL Starter motor armature
NZ$ 136.76 including GST
NZ$ 118.92 excluding GST
No stock in NZ
Item available to backorder, submit your order. Aprox 7-14 day delay - $40 Air freight charge additional
Purchase Qty:
S13123 S1333 S1333A S1333B S1337 S1337B S1338A S1338B S1341 S1341A S1341B S1341C S1345A S1345B S1346A S1367 S1367B S1368 S1376 S1376A S1378 S1386 1811002232 5811001111 5811001112 12013077010 12175077011 12350077010 12461077010 S13123 S1333 S1333A S1333B S1337 S1337B S1338A S1338B S1341 S1341A S1341B S1341C S1345A S1345B S1346A S1367 S1367B S1368 S1376 S1376A S1378 S1386 1811002232 5811001111 5811001112 12013077010 12175077011 12350077010 12461077010
Com Bars25 qty
Kilowatt2.5 kW
Length (L.1)165 mm
No./Splines11 qty
Outside Diameter (O.D.1)60 mm
Outside Diameter (O.D.2)36 mm
Voltage12 V
S1376A CQ2110275 S1338B 12175077011 IM3035 S1346A CAR20013AS S1338A 121254-77401 2130-31004 5811210210 137092 1014278 S1341 S1386 S1367 S1368 12350077010 S1333A S1345B S1367B S1333B S1341A 12013077010 S1337B 23310-J5501 S1345A 61-8111 WSA19523 2130-11001 SAR20013 1811002232 S13123 S1337 12461077010 5811210021 5811001111 S1341B S1376 S1333 S1341C S1378 5811001112

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