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SA2004 - Brand new AS-PL Starter motor armature

Brand new AS-PL Starter motor armature
Brand new AS-PL Starter motor armature
NZ$ 135.31 including GST
NZ$ 117.66 excluding GST
No stock in NZ
Item available to backorder, submit your order. Aprox 7-14 day delay - $40 Air freight charge additional
Purchase Qty:
S114146 S114180 S114180B S114180E S114180F S114180G S114218 S114218A S114219 S114230 S114230A S114235 S114235A S114235B S114240 S114244 S114244A S114247 S114247A S114247B S114247C S114295 S114295A S114295B S114381 S114417 S114427 8942340650 12145077010 12445077010 12477277020 S114146 S114180 S114180B S114180E S114180F S114180G S114218 S114218A S114219 S114230 S114230A S114235 S114235A S114235B S114240 S114244 S114244A S114247 S114247A S114247B S114247C S114295 S114295A S114295B S114381 S114417 S114427 8942340650 12145077010 12445077010 12477277020
Com Bars33 qty
Kilowatt1.3 kW
Length (L.1)205.9 mm
Length (L.2)17.4 mm
No./Splines10 qty
Outside Diameter (O.D.1)64.9 mm
Outside Diameter (O.D.2)40.1 mm
Outside Diameter (O.D.3)12.5 mm
Voltage12 V
S114295 S114230 12445077010 IM3011 61-8103 S114218A SAR20008 8942187670 S114219 S114244A S114417 S114218 S114230A 12145077010 133031 23310-S0100 S114235 S114240 12477277020 MM S114180 S114381 S114247A S114235A S114247B 1015398 S114235B S114247C CAR20008AS WSA19505 340 S114295A 81015398 S114295B S114427 23310-U6000 S114180E S114247 CQ2110193 S114180F S114180G S114244 8942340650 2114-91001 S114180B S114146

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