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SA0023 - Brand new AS-PL Starter motor armature

Brand new AS-PL Starter motor armature
Brand new AS-PL Starter motor armature
NZ$ 126.55 including GST
NZ$ 110.04 excluding GST
No stock in NZ
Item available to backorder, submit your order. Aprox 7-14 day delay - $40 Air freight charge additional
Purchase Qty:
0001208501 0001208502 0001208507 0001208510 0001208513 0001208514 0001208515 0001208516 0001208517 0001208518 0001208519 0001208520 0001208521 0001208524 0001208526 0001208528 0001208705 0001208706 0001208707 0001208708 0001208709 0001208710 0001208711 0001208712 0001208713 0001208714 0001208715 0001208717 0001208718 0001208719 0001211506 0001211507 9000333104 9000333106 9000333109 9000333114 9000333117 9000333121 9000333122 82GB11000CA 85GB11000FA 87GB11000AA 87GB11000BA S0050 0001208501 0001208502 0001208507 0001208510 0001208513 0001208514 0001208515 0001208516 0001208517 0001208518 0001208519 0001208520 0001208521 0001208524 0001208526 0001208528 0001208705 0001208706 0001208707 0001208708 0001208709 0001208710 0001208711 0001208712 0001208713 0001208714 0001208715 0001208717 0001208718 0001208719 0001211506 0001211507 9000333104 9000333106 9000333109 9000333114 9000333117 9000333121 9000333122 82GB11000CA 85GB11000FA 87GB11000AA 87GB11000BA S0050
Com Bars19 qty
Kilowatt0.95 kW
Length (L.1)217 mm
Length (L.2)19 mm
No./Splines10 qty
Outside Diameter (O.D.1)60 mm
Outside Diameter (O.D.2)35 mm
Outside Diameter (O.D.3)12 mm
Unit TypeBOSCH
Voltage12 V
CAR10081PS WSA5863 1208520 1208521 0001208524 1208524 0001208520 0001208521 0001208519 0001208717 1208528 0001208718 0001208719 1208526 0001208515 0001208713 9000333121 0001208516 0001208714 9000333122 0001208517 0001208715 87GB11000AA 0001208518 85GB11000FA 1004012905 82GB11000CA 0001208710 1208510 0001208513 0001208711 0001208514 0001208712 1208513 1208711 1208514 1208712 0001208510 1208710 0001208706 1208517 1208715 0001208707 1208518 S0929S 0001208708 1208515 1208713 0001208709 1208516 1208714 1004012422 1208719 87GB11000BA 1208519 1208717 0001208507 0001208705 1004012421 1208718 132153 S0050 CQ2110172 0001208501 0001208502 SAR10081 IM190 1208502 82GB11005BA 1208501 1208507 1208705 81017722 0001211507 1208708 0001211506 1208709 1208706 1004012432 1208707 9000333104 9000333106 9000333109 0001208526 0001208528 1211507 1211506 9000333114 9000333117

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