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MASX17-18 - Brand new AS-PL Starter motor brush set

Brand new AS-PL Starter motor brush set
Brand new AS-PL Starter motor brush set
NZ$ 12.70 including GST
NZ$ 11.04 excluding GST
No stock in NZ
Item available to backorder, submit your order. Aprox 7-14 day delay - $40 Air freight charge additional
Purchase Qty:
63217101 63217104 63217105 63217106 63217107 63217108 63217110 63217112 63217116 63217117 63217118 63217119 63217120 63217121 63217125 63217138 63217147 63217173 63217182 63217401 63217402 63217403 63217404 MT71A MT71D MT71E MT71FA MT71H MT71L MT71LA MT71N MT71R MT71S MT71T MT71U MT71V MT71Z 63217101 63217104 63217105 63217106 63217107 63217108 63217110 63217112 63217116 63217117 63217118 63217119 63217120 63217121 63217125 63217138 63217147 63217173 63217182 63217401 63217402 63217403 63217404 MT71A MT71D MT71E MT71FA MT71H MT71L MT71LA MT71N MT71R MT71S MT71T MT71U MT71V MT71Z
Height (H.1)23 mm
Length (L.1)47.3 mm
Length (L.2)43.1 mm
Thickness (T.1)9 mm
Voltage12 V
Width (W.1)16 mm
63217138 MASX17-18 63217173 63217402 63217401 63217125 MT71FA 9935196 9935197 63217404 63217403 BOX 63217121 63217120 4 9956552 9956556 63217116 MT71E MT71H MT71A 63217119 63217118 63217117 MT71D MT71N SBR5837 63217112 63217110 MT71L MT71U MT71V CQ2040056 MT71R MT71S MT71T MT71Z 63217105 63217104 63217147 63217108 63217107 63217106 MT71LA 72383701 72383702 63217182 63217101 68-9307

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