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AS0077 - Brand new AS-PL Alternator stator

Brand new AS-PL Alternator stator
Brand new AS-PL Alternator stator
NZ$ 141.93 including GST
NZ$ 123.42 excluding GST
No stock in NZ
Item available to backorder, submit your order. Aprox 7-14 day delay - $40 Air freight charge additional
Purchase Qty:
0123515017 0123510032 0123510034 0123510027 0123325004 0123510007 0123515016 0123505013 95VW10300PA 0123510006 7361230 95VW10300KB 95VW10300KA 0123510026 0120465003 0120465004 0120465006 0120465011 0120465013 0120465014 0120465015 0120465016 0120465017 0120465020 0120465021 0120465027 0120465028 0123500004 0123500005 0123500006 0123505005 0123505010 0123505011 0123505014 0123505015 0123505016 0123510001 0123510002 0123510005 0123510008 0123510012 0123510017 0123510022 0123540001 0123540002 0123540003 0123540004 A0173 0123510068 A0186 A0003
Amp120 A
Height (H.1)69.6 mm
Height (H.2)35.4 mm
Inside Diameter (I.D.1)104.2 mm
No./Leads6 qty
Outside Diameter (O.D.1)142 mm
Outside Diameter of Windings (O.D.3)125.7 mm
Unit TypeBOSCH
Voltage12 V
123515003 028903351AD A0117 UD02447AS 1125045577 0123515003 0123510068 138202 1125045561 A0186 123510068 0123500005 0123500006 0123500004 120465003 123510012 95VW10300KB 95VW10300KA A0262 120465004 120465006 123510017 120465011 123515017 120465013 123515016 120465014 123510001 A0401 A0003 A0366 0123505010 0123510038 230563 0123505016 123510005 0123505015 CSR10047AS 123510002 120465015 0123505011 120465016 123510008 0123505014 123510007 120465017 0123505013 123510006 123540004 123540003 123510034 123510032 120465020 123540002 120465021 123540001 0120465020 0120465021 1124045326 A0434 0123510032 1124045327 0123510034 0120465017 0123510026 0120465015 028903351N 0123510027 0120465016 7361230 0123505005 123510038 1124045173 120465027 120465028 123325004 1124045571 123510022 1125045527 0123510022 0120465028 123505005 0120465027 0123510017 A0151 0123540002 S/616 123510027 0123540001 123510026 0123540004 0123540003 0123515020 A0177 WST89112 A0176 0123515021 1111587 123500004 0120465003 123500006 0123510012 123500005 0123510002 123505016 0123510005 123505015 0123510006 123505014 0123510007 123505013 0123510008 0123325004 123505011 123505010 233763 231587 SSR10047 0123515013 95VW10300PA 0123515017 0120465013 0123515016 0120465014 0120465011 0123510001 A0048 0120465006 0120465004 A0173 137066

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