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AS0071 - Brand new AS-PL Alternator stator

Brand new AS-PL Alternator stator
Brand new AS-PL Alternator stator
NZ$ 137.17 including GST
NZ$ 119.28 excluding GST
No stock in NZ
Item available to backorder, submit your order. Aprox 7-14 day delay - $40 Air freight charge additional
Purchase Qty:
0124215001 0124215002 0124215003 0124215004 0124215005 0124215006 0124220002 0124225001 0124225002 0124225004 0124225009 0124225012 0124225013 0124225014 0124225015 0124225016 0124225018 0124225019 0124225021 0124225022 0124225026 0124225027 0124225029 0124225034 F000LD0700 9124225037 0124225023 0124225024 0124225030 0124225031 0124225035 0124225041 0124225045 0124225046 0124225047 0124225049 0124225050 A0360
Amp70 A
Height (H.1)62.2 mm
Height (H.2)31.4 mm
Inside Diameter (I.D.1)90 mm
No./Leads6 qty
Outside Diameter (O.D.1)116 mm
Outside Diameter of Windings (O.D.3)109.3 mm
Unit TypeBOSCH
Voltage12 V
9124225037 BOSF00M110101 0124225035 124225041 9948710 124225001 124225045 124225049 UD11414AS 124225004 124225047 0124225041 124225002 124225046 A0360 UD01882AS 124225009 0124225001 0124225045 UD01886AS F00M110100 F00M110103 0124225002 0124225046 0124225047 0124225004 124225050 0124225049 124225012 0124225009 124225016 0124225050 124225015 124225014 231759 124225013 124220002 124225019 0124225012 F00M110109 F000LD0700 0124220002 0124225013 0124225014 0124225015 0124225016 124225023 0124225018 124225022 0124225019 124225021 124225027 124225026 124225024 0124225021 0124225022 124225029 0124225023 0124215005 0124215006 0124215003 0124215004 139914 0124215001 124215004 0124215002 124215003 124215006 124215005 0124225024 124225030 0124225026 0124225027 124225034 0124225029 124225031 0124225030 124225035 0124225031 0124225034 124215002 124215001

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