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AS0020 - Brand new AS-PL Alternator stator

Brand new AS-PL Alternator stator
Brand new AS-PL Alternator stator
NZ$ 165.12 including GST
NZ$ 143.58 excluding GST
Purchase Qty:
0124615006 0124615009 0124615012 0124615014 0124615015 0124615016 0124615017 0124615018 0124615019 0124615020 0124615021 0124615022 0124615026 0124615028 0124615029 0124615030 0124615031 0124615032 0124615033 0124615035 0124615038 0124615040 0124615041 0124615042 0124615043 0124615044 0124615046 0124615047 0124615048 0124615049 0124615053 0124615055 0124615057 0124655021 A0170 A0194S A0076
Amp150 A
Height (H.1)76.6 mm
Height (H.2)35.2 mm
Inside Diameter (I.D.1)111.6 mm
No./Leads6 qty
Outside Diameter (O.D.1)142.2 mm
Outside Diameter of Windings (O.D.3)131.6 mm
Unit TypeBOSCH
Voltage12 V
124615021 124615026 124615028 A0076 0124615018 124615020 0124615019 20801001BN 0124615028 0124615026 0124615021 0124615020 124615029 124615033 124615032 124615035 81113579 124615038 CQ1120210 0124615029 27-9119 124615031 124615030 0124615038 F00M130139 0124615035 0124615032 0124615033 A0194 0124615030 0124615031 236523 AFB9523 124615044 A0559S 124615043 124615046 A0338 124615048 124615047 124615006 124615049 CSR10100AS 124615040 124655021 A0208S 124615042 124615041 0124615049 0124615006 BOSF00M130138 0124615047 0124615048 0124615046 0124615043 0124615044 0124615041 0124615042 0124655021 0124615040 124615009 038903351N AFB6523 124615055 A0208 SSR10100.0 124615057 124615015 124615014 124615017 124615016 S/3078 0124615009 F00M130110 F00M130111 124615053 A0521 A0194S 0124615016 A0170 0124615017 0124615014 0124615015 0124615057 0124615055 124615019 0124615053 124615018

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