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ARS1022S - Brand new AS-PL Alternator insulator

Brand new AS-PL Alternator insulator
Brand new AS-PL Alternator insulator
NZ$ 2.83 including GST
NZ$ 2.46 excluding GST
No stock in NZ
Item available to backorder, submit your order. Aprox 7-14 day delay - $40 Air freight charge additional
Purchase Qty:
A1018 19010195 1117839 19010161 1117955 1117958 19010166 1117900 1117894 1105454 1105459 1117944 1105461 1117932 19010127 19010145 1117962 19010162 1101289 1105458 1117959 19010134 1117929 1117905 1117922 1117906 19010185 19010141 1117933 19010138 19010171 1117940 1105457 1117880 1117966 19010193 19010182 1117963 19010115 1105466 1117931 1117956 1101251 19010160 19010174 1117961 19010178 1117964 19010173 1105453 19020382 1117948 19010111 1117951 1117947 19010158 1117954 1117950 19010136 1117914 1117953 19010159 1117919 1117917 19010124 1117911 19010108 1117891 1117920 1117924 1117890 19010163 1105465 1117915 1117885 1117934 19010126 1105456 1117952 1105463 1105455 1117921 1101288 1117925 19020391 1117916 19010181 19010137 1105464 19010120 1117886 1101287 1117913 1117949 1117937 19010176 19010100
Height (H.1)7 mm
Height (H.2)16.2 mm
Length (L.1)21.8 mm
Unit TypeDELCO
Width (W.1)16.7 mm
19010159 19010158 1117949 1117944 41-1307 1117948 1117947 1117940 UD42746ARS 19010166 19010162 1117933 1117932 19010163 1117931 19010160 19010161 1117937 1117934 1117891 1117890 1117894 232686 1117929 19010178 19010176 1117922 19010173 19010174 1117921 19010171 1117920 1117886 1117925 1117924 1117880 1117885 1117919 1117917 1117916 19010100 1117911 19010185 19010182 1117915 1117914 19010181 1117913 19020382 19010108 19010115 1117906 1117905 19010111 19010195 1117900 19010193 1101289 19020391 1101287 1101288 19010126 19010127 19010124 19010120 EC42118 1105463 19010137 19010138 1105464 1105465 1105466 19010136 19010134 1105461 1117966 1117964 1117963 1117962 1117961 1105453 1105454 1117839 1105455 19010145 1101251 1117955 19010141 1117954 1117953 1117952 1117959 A1018 1117958 1117956 1987869 1117951 1117950 1105456 1105457 1105458 1105459

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