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ARE1013 - Brand new AS-PL Alternator regulator

Brand new AS-PL Alternator regulator
Brand new AS-PL Alternator regulator
NZ$ 53.48 including GST
NZ$ 46.50 excluding GST
No stock in NZ
Item available to backorder, submit your order. Aprox 7-14 day delay - $40 Air freight charge additional
Purchase Qty:
10463070 10463409 10463606 10463646 10463689 10463691 10464435 10479806 10479920 10480018 10480019 10480120 10480177 10480186 10480204 10480276 10480279 10480282 1101133 1101259 1101270 1101295 1101330 1101574 1101591 1101850 3211029 3211071 3211106 321368 321485 2541359 A13VI30
Circuit TypeB
Plug CodePL_4201
Unit TypeDELCO
Voltage12 V
VR-D678F 1116412 10463691 10480186 D412 3211071 10463689 10463646 10463409 10463606 321368 1101270 3211029 3211106 10480018 1101591 10480019 10480177 35-119 DE112 10480204 10463070 1116434 2541359 D712 D678 10480120 10464435 131906 321485 10479920 19009712 81115774 VRG3626B 10479806 1101330 1101295 10480276 1115774 10480279 CQ1010344 D684 10480282 1101850 DVR112 1101133 A13VI30 1101574 1101259

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