or four payments of $12.81
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Associated Numbers
443113515241 443113516241 443113516620 443113516623 443113516650 443113516653 443113516660 443113516661 443113516662 443113516710 443113516711 443113516714 443113516750 443113516751 443113516752 443113516760 443113516761 443113516762 443113516764 443113516765 443113516870 443113516872 443113516875 9515220 9515260 9515261 9515291 9515461 9515471 9515501 9515511 9515765 9515831 9515834 9515841 9515846 9515852 9515862 9516050 9516051 9516060 9516061 9516241 9516650 9516653 9516654 9516655 9516661 9516710 9516711 9516714 9516760 9516761 9516762 9516763 9516765 9516780 9516781 9516782 9516831 9516834 9516840 9516841 9516846 9516852 9516862 9516932 9516933 9516940 9516946 MAB62000 MAB62300 MAB71000 MAB71100 MAB71400 MAB75000 MAB75200 MAB76000 MAB76100 MAB76200 MAB76400 MAB76500 MAC87000 MAC87200 MAC87500Specifications
B+ Stud Diameter & Thread Pitch (B+d) | M6x1.0 mm |
B+ Thread Length (B+H) | 18.7 mm |
Diode Amp Rating | 35 A |
Diodes (Main) | 6 qty |
OEM Product | No |
Outside Diameter (O.D.1) | 114.6 mm |
Product Line | Standard Line |
Product Type | Brand new |
Reg/Rec Combo | No |
Unit Type | MAGNETON |
With Attached Bracket | No |
Reference Information
134977 RTF49968 RCTX011 135241 CQ1080512 4.4393E+11 1111797 135240Video/Publications
443113516653 MAB71100 9515846 9516933 9516932 9515765 9515841 9516655 9516654 9516852 9516653 443113515241 443113516650 9516650 A9015 9516051 9516050 MAB62300 ARC9019 443113516761 443113516762 443113516764 443113516765 9515834 9516846 MAB76500 9515831 9515511 9516765 9516841 MAB76100 9516763 9516840 443113516241 9516762 9516761 443113516760 9516760 9515471 9516241 MAC87000 MAC87200 443113516714 443113516750 443113516751 443113516872 MAB71400 443113516752 443113516710 443113516875 443113516711 MAB71000 9516714 9516834 9515501 9516711 MAB75200 9516710 9516831 9515862 MAB75000 443113516870 9515220 9515461 9515261 9515260 MAB62000 443113516662 443113516620 443113516623 9516946 MAB76400 9515852 MAB76200 9516940 9516862 MAB76000 443113516660 443113516661 9516661 9516782 9516781 9516780 MAC87500 9515291 9516061 9516060View your shopping basket or Browse other items in Rectifier.