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ARC0080 - Brand new AS-PL Alternator rectifier

Brand new AS-PL Alternator rectifier
Brand new AS-PL Alternator rectifier
NZ$ 48.78 including GST
NZ$ 42.42 excluding GST
No stock in NZ
Item available to backorder, submit your order. Aprox 7-14 day delay - $40 Air freight charge additional
Purchase Qty:
0120488111 0120488146 0120488147 0120488148 0120488149 0120488150 0120488178 0120488179 0120488180 0120488181 0120488242 0120488243 0120489460 0120489461 0120489477 0120489478 1005391 5026099
Diode Amp Rating50 A
Diodes (Main)6 qty
Inside Diameter (I.D.1)36.7 mm
Outside Diameter (O.D.1)110 mm
Reg/Rec ComboNo
Unit TypeBOSCH
With Attached BracketNo
81112994 120488242 137726 RTF39743 120488146 120489477 120488147 120489478 120488243 RB-86H 0120489477 120488180 0120489478 120488181 0120488147 1005391 0120488146 0120488243 0120488242 21101121BN 0120488181 IBR903 120488148 0120488180 120488149 120489460 120489461 120488179 120488111 1127320903 120488178 0120489460 0120489461 CQ1080491 120488150 0120488149 0120488148 0120488179 0120488178 0120488111 SRC10121 0120488150 CRC10121AS 5026099

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