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ARC0045 - Brand new AS-PL Alternator rectifier

Brand new AS-PL Alternator rectifier
Brand new AS-PL Alternator rectifier
NZ$ 37.88 including GST
NZ$ 32.94 excluding GST
No stock in NZ
Item available to backorder, submit your order. Aprox 7-14 day delay - $40 Air freight charge additional
Purchase Qty:
0120300516 0120300558 0120300559 0120300568 0120300569 0120300591 0120300592 0120336526 0120339515 0120339516 0120339523 0120339526 0120339527 0120339528 0120339533 0120339534 0986030120 0986030121 0986033070 9120143016 9120143017 9120143203 9120143204 9120143218 10580 10590 11201017 11201026 11201030 11201036 11201037 11201783 AAG0402 AAG0403 AAG1104 24161 24228 24241 24290 24297 24380 24390 54022235 54022390 54022393 54022510 54022591 54022646 54022663 63300506 63300520 63300521 63300526 63300801 63300802 63300810 63300812 63300821 63300900 63300901 63300902 63300907 63300910 63300917 63300920 63300921 63300931 63300932 63362000 63362001 63362003 63362004 63362005 63362006 A0012
Diode Amp Rating35 A
Diodes (Main)6 qty
Outside Diameter (O.D.1)90 mm
Reg/Rec ComboNo
Unit TypeBOSCH
With Attached BracketNo
RTF3976 54022646 9120143218 11201036 11201037 63300812 63300932 63300810 63300931 139131 54022235 54022510 11201030 1127320192 9927730 UBB414 9120143203 24380 120300559 120300558 9120143204 11201026 16.905.212 215326 63300821 0120300516 54022663 CQ1080188 940038202 10590 A0012 RB-10H 1127320332 120300568 120300569 54022390 54022393 0120339534 615KIT 0120339533 1127320322 0120339527 0120339528 24241 120339526 120339523 74995801 130597 0120339523 0120339526 74986411 9120143016 0120336526 0120339516 AAG1104 1127320152 24297 9120143017 1127320319 120339528 24290 120339527 120339515 0986033070 10580 0986030121 120300591 4474564 0120339515 0986030120 120300592 24228 63300907 120300516 63300506 63300902 63300901 0120300592 63300900 120336526 74995001 0120300591 120339516 63300521 0120300558 63300520 0120300559 81115544 11201783 63362006 24390 31-9151 63362003 63300917 63362004 63362005 11201017 63300910 1127320137 54022591 0120300569 215313 120339534 120339533 0120300568 986030120 986030121 63362000 63362001 986033070 AAG0403 AAG0402 24161 IBR318 63300802 63300526 63300801 63300921 63300920 MGX

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