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ARC0006 - Brand new AS-PL Alternator rectifier

Brand new AS-PL Alternator rectifier
Brand new AS-PL Alternator rectifier
NZ$ 40.99 including GST
NZ$ 35.64 excluding GST
No stock in NZ
Item available to backorder, submit your order. Aprox 7-14 day delay - $40 Air freight charge additional
Purchase Qty:
0120488224 0120489027 0120489053 0120489192 0120489230 0120489387 0120489388 0120489684 0120489702 0120489707 0120489710 0120489723 0120489726 0120489727 0120489733 0120489757 0986030660 0986031190 0986031230 0986031250 0986031251 0986031260 0986031290 0986031310 0986031330 0986033510 0986033570 0986034210 0986034350 9120144122 9120144123 9120144125 9120144127 9120144130 9120144131 9120144132 9120144133 9120334137 9120690079 19025075
B+ Stud Diameter & Thread Pitch (B+d)M6x1.0 mm
B+ Thread Length (B+H)34 mm
Diode Amp Rating35 A
Diodes (Main)6 qty
D+ Stud Diameter & Thread Pitch (D+d)M5x0.8 mm
D+ Thread Height (D+H)20 mm
Inside Diameter (I.D.1)35.5 mm
Outside Diameter (O.D.1)114 mm
Reg/Rec ComboNo
Unit TypeBOSCH
With Attached BracketNo
215321 9120690079 120488224 0986031260 986031260 1127011101 0120488224 0120489702 1127320594 0120489707 120489710 1127320599 0986031250 0986031251 120489027 120489387 986031310 120489388 UBB418 986033570 0120489387 0120489388 SRC10600 0120489027 1127320344 120489707 9121080963 9120144130 120489702 9120144133 9120144132 9120144131 120489053 986034350 9120334137 1127320339 120489733 CQ1080078 0986033570 120489684 0986031310 CRC10600AS 986031251 986031250 0120489757 120489723 120489727 120489726 21101006BN 120489230 0120489192 0986034210 RB-08H 0120489230 986034210 120489192 REC-2203 120489757 0986031290 986031230 986030660 0986033510 0986031330 986031190 0120489733 1127320546 1127320545 RTF3979B IBR313 0986034350 0120489053 9120144127 0120489723 9120144125 19025228 0120489726 0120489727 139114 9120144123 9120144122 133138 81111176 215313 0986031190 F042310048 IBR325 986031330 986033510 0986030660 1111176 0986031230 0120489684 1127011098 986031290 0120489710 1127320366 1127320363 19025075 1127320367

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