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APC0036 - Brand new AS-PL Alternator plastic cover (PVC cover)

Brand new AS-PL Alternator plastic cover (PVC cover)
Brand new AS-PL Alternator plastic cover (PVC cover)
NZ$ 12.56 including GST
NZ$ 10.92 excluding GST
No stock in NZ
Item available to backorder, submit your order. Aprox 7-14 day delay - $40 Air freight charge additional
Purchase Qty:
0124655023 0124655047 0124555046 0124555044 0124555045 0124655042 0124555032 0124555065 0124555084 0124555087 0124555091 0124555096 0124555559 0124555563 0124655051 0124655097 0124655156 0124655180 0124655211 0124655311 0124655479 A0122 UD14997A 0124655003 0124555002 A0053 0124655001
Height (H.1)61.5 mm
Mount Hole Center - Center (O.1)64 mm
Mount Hole Center - Center (O.2)53.6 mm
Mount Hole Center - Center (O.3)74.4 mm
Outside Diameter (O.D.1) 1137.2 mm
Unit TypeBOSCH
124555032 0124655479 0124655311 124655042 0124555032 124655001 BOSF00M146050 124655047 124655003 0124655001 124555559 F00M146049 0124655042 239640 124555087 124555044 124555045 0124655047 0124655003 124555084 124655051 124655097 0124555084 0124555087 0124555045 0009982123 124655211 0124555044 0124555559 0124655211 124555046 124555563 124555002 0124655097 A0009982123 0124655051 0124555091 124555096 124655180 0124555096 124555091 124655023 0124655180 0124555046 0124555563 0124555002 0124655023 124555065 A0122 0124555065 124655156 124655311 124655479 A0053 UD10932APC A0651S 0124655156 UD14997A

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