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AP0023 - Brand new AS-PL Alternator pulley

Brand new AS-PL Alternator pulley
Brand new AS-PL Alternator pulley
NZ$ 19.46 including GST
NZ$ 16.92 excluding GST
No stock in NZ
Item available to backorder, submit your order. Aprox 7-14 day delay - $40 Air freight charge additional
Purchase Qty:
0120335008 0123100001 0123110006 0123110007 0123115008 0123115010 0123120001 0123320050 0123320067 0123500008 0123505001 0123505002 0123510043 0123510063 0123510089 1025547 1032333 1110413 1135454 YM2110300AA 2542461 2542461A 2542731 SG12B042 TG11C015 A0173 0123510068 0124325095 A0194S 0124615044 A0413 A1005 96258990
Depth (D.1)24.7 mm
Grooves6 qty
Inside Diameter (I.D.1)37.9 mm
Inside Diameter (I.D.2)17 mm
Length 3 (L.3)0.3 mm
Length (L.1)29 mm
Length (L.2)5.4 mm
Outside Diameter (O.D.1)50 mm
Unit TypeBOSCH
123110006 A3356S 123110007 123320067 0123115010 0124515055 1135454 2542461A YM2110300AA 0123120001 A1005 EC41334 0123510068 2542461 123335008 123115010 123100001 0123115008 136542 0123505001 124515055 0123505002 120335008 123510063 TG11C015 0123510063 0123100001 123120001 0123110007 1126601531 0123110006 1032333 123505002 4.43114E+11 123505001 0123320067 A0194 123510068 136471 1110413 124615044 1025547 0123500008 123500008 443113516591 A0413 1126600975 0124615044 A9034 0123335008 A0206 0124325095 123510089 123510043 2542731 0123320050 1126601563 0123510043 0123510089 123115008 0120335008 A0194S 124325095 96258990 A0173 A0174 A0172 SG12B042 123320050 1126600906 CQ1040532

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