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AP0012 - Brand new AS-PL Alternator pulley

Brand new AS-PL Alternator pulley
Brand new AS-PL Alternator pulley
NZ$ 16.84 including GST
NZ$ 14.64 excluding GST
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No stock in NZ
0124315003 0124315004 0124315005 0124315007 0124315008 012431500E 0124315030 0124315031 0124315035 0124315036 0124325003 0124325016 0124325050 0124325051 0124325056 0124325057 0124325061 0124325074 0124325075 0124325094 0124325097 0124325111 0124325125 0124325138 0124515012 0123510065 A0114 UD14851A A0027 A0125 0124325011 0123320045
Depth (D.1)27.3 mm
Grooves6 qty
Inside Diameter (I.D.1)37.9 mm
Inside Diameter (I.D.2)17 mm
Length 3 (L.3)0.5 mm
Length (L.1)37.2 mm
Length (L.2)14.4 mm
Outside Diameter (O.D.1)56 mm
Unit TypeBOSCH
0124515012 124315003 124325003 124325125 EC40002 124325129 A0114 0124315003 124315007 124315004 124315005 124315008 124515012 A0427 124315031 0124325111 124315030 124315035 124315036 0124325075 123510065 0124325074 139932 A0027 0123510065 0124315036 0124315035 CQ1040272 124325074 124325075 0124315031 0124315030 124325111 123320045 0124325061 A0254 A0056 A0180 124325061 0124325138 0124325016 UD14851A 0124325011 0124325057 0124325056 0124325051 0124325050 0124325094 0124325097 F00M991004 124325016 0124315008 124325138 0124315007 0124315005 0124315004 A0125 124325050 124325094 124325051 124325097 124325011 124325056 0123320045 124325057 0124325129 0124325125 0124325003 012431500E

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