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AFP0014(V) - Brand new AS-PL Premium quality Alternator freewheel pulley

Brand new AS-PL Premium quality Alternator freewheel pulley
Brand new AS-PL Premium quality Alternator freewheel pulley
NZ$ 94.60 including GST
NZ$ 82.26 excluding GST
No stock in NZ
Item available to backorder, submit your order. Aprox 7-14 day delay - $40 Air freight charge additional
Purchase Qty:
A3035 0124315006 0124315012 0124325014 0124325021 0124425013 0124425029 0124425060 0124525028 0124525069 A2TB6481 A2TC0981 2542664 2542945 2543366 2543562 SG12B103 TG11C011 TG11C034 TG11C064 A5009 SG12B038 SG12B038 0124325014 0124325021 0124315012 0124315006
Grooves5 qty
Inside Diameter (I.D.1)17 mm
Length (L.1)37.5 mm
Length (L.2)17 mm
Outside Diameter (O.D.1)55.6 mm
Thread size & pitch (d.)M16x1.5 mm
Unit TypeBOSCH
3.3548.1 5385 124425013 2542945 F-230147.1 A5009 038903119AB 0124425013 F00M991039 124525069 2542664 A0235 EC4085 23058491OE 124525028 130-01-101 SCP90194 23058511OE F-230147.2 124315006 0124525069 8200113636 F-230147.3 23095001OE SCP90115 219017 038903119Q 5350018000 F00M147806 CCP90194GS F-230147.01 A660C300EX 2543366 TG11C011 333026 F-230147.04 F-230147.05 F-230147 F-230147.02 F-230147.03 24-91258 2543562 TG11C064 CCP94100GS ZN5385 230309 SG12B103 0138620 F00M147721 A2TB6481 0124325021 RA-101 A2TC0981 F00M991375 219068 535001810 219100 1116910 SG12B038 0124425029 53-1038 85-42-10 124325021 0124325014 81114443 0124425060 EC4228 0124525028 130101 CQ1040616 124315012 124325014 1114443 A3035 1113114 124425060 0124315006 TG11C034 CCP90115GS 3.5316.1 0124315012 SCP94100 24-91317 233797 124425029 CQ1040377

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