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AFP0012 - Brand new AS-PL Alternator freewheel pulley

Brand new AS-PL Alternator freewheel pulley
Brand new AS-PL Alternator freewheel pulley
NZ$ 90.32 including GST
NZ$ 78.54 excluding GST
No stock in NZ
Item available to backorder, submit your order. Aprox 7-14 day delay - $40 Air freight charge additional
Purchase Qty:

0123320041 0123320046 0123320049 0123340007 0123510038 0123510049 0123510072 0123510080 0123510101 6033G3040B  F-228215 6033GB3030 6033GB3031 6033GB3040 2541995 2542411 2542473 A13VI222 SG10B016 SG10B020 0124325031 SG12B047 SG12B047 0123320041 0123320045 0123320045 0123510080 0123510101 A13VI199 A13VI175 A13VI174 6033GB3091 0124325227 0123510038 A13VI199 6033GB3031 A13VI175 A13VI174 A13VI222 6033GB3091 6033GB3040 6033GB3030 0124325227 0123510049 0123320046 A0263

Grooves6 qty
Inside Diameter (I.D.1)17 mm
Length (L.1)39 mm
Length (L.2)15 mm
Outside Diameter (O.D.1)56 mm
Thread size & pitch (d.)M16x1.5 mm
Unit TypeBOSCH
219009 6033GB3030 123510072 F-561338 F-228215.03 0123510072 F-228215.04 535001310 F-228215.01 F-228215.02 0123510101 1126601568 1115683 23058511OE 123510038 A13VI199 SCP90110 6033GB3031 SCP90115 CCP90110GS F-225644.07 F-225644.06 F-225644.05 F-225644.04 0124325031 A0263 24-91254 535000310 1116769 2547128 2542473 124325031 0124325227 123510101 F-228215.2 A13VI222 230305 6033GD5036 F-225644 F-225644.7 F-225644.6 123320045 123320046 6033GB3091 5350013000 123320049 2541995 ZN5377 0123320041 124325227 23058011BN 85-42-05 5350003000 0123510049 23058011OE A0262 A13VI174 0123340007 A13VI175 CQ1040001 F-225644.5 123320041 EC4065 F-225644.4 6033GB3040 SG10B020 ZN2377 3.3518.1 332319 6033G3040B 0123510080 5377 123510080 2542411 CCP90110AS CCP90115GS 138073 2.05.0377.0 F-228215 0123320049 0123510038 0123320046 2377 CQ1040095 123340007 0123320045 123510049 SG10B016 SG12B047

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