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ABR1006S - Brand new AS-PL Alternator D.E. bracket

Brand new AS-PL Alternator D.E. bracket
Brand new AS-PL Alternator D.E. bracket
NZ$ 24.36 including GST
NZ$ 21.18 excluding GST
No stock in NZ
Item available to backorder, submit your order. Aprox 7-14 day delay - $40 Air freight charge additional
Purchase Qty:
A1008 1101521 1105710 10480087 1101599 1105715 10479807 1101110 1101632 10479993 10479808 1101637 1101629 1105711 10479912 1101582 1101293 10479921 1101617 10480028 1101254 10479906 1101255 1101646 1101633 1101500 1101111 1101645 1101318 1101600 1101628 1101620 1101616 1101647 1101317 1101253
Height (H.1)59.5 mm
Inside Diameter (I.D.1)125 mm
Inside Diameter (I.D.2)40 mm
Outside Diameter (O.D.1)129.5 mm
PositionDE Bracket
Unit TypeDELCO
10479912 A1008 1101582 10480028 BKT41468 10468200 10480087 1101628 1101647 1101629 1101521 1101620 10495358 10495359 UD41231ABR 1101645 137130 1101646 1101500 1101600 1101293 10479921 1101110 1101253 10479807 10479906 10479808 50-01-2065 1101616 1101617 1101317 1101637 1101318 1105715 1101254 1101111 1101255 1105710 1101599 1101632 10479993 1105711 1101633 10476024 21-124

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