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SD6019 - Brand new AS-PL Starter motor drive

Brand new AS-PL Starter motor drive
Brand new AS-PL Starter motor drive
NZ$ 80.87 including GST
NZ$ 70.32 excluding GST
Purchase Qty:
0280007370 0280007372 0280007373 0280007660 0280007661 0280007662 0280008760 0280008761 0280008762 1280000360 1280000361 1280000362 1280001880 1280007350 1280007352 1280007353 1280008140 1280008141 1280008142 1280008150 1280008151 1280008152 1280009590 1280009591 1280009592 2280000400 2280000640 2280000662 2280001300 1666163013 2810054070 2810054100 2810054110 2810054170 2810054180 2810054230 2810054240 2810054290 2810054310 2810054350 2810054700 STR5003 S6001 0280007370 0280007372 0280007373 0280007660 0280007661 0280007662 0280008760 0280008761 0280008762 1280000360 1280000361 1280000362 1280001880 1280007350 1280007352 1280007353 1280008140 1280008141 1280008142 1280008150 1280008151 1280008152 1280009590 1280009591 1280009592 2280000400 2280000640 2280000662 2280001300 1666163013 2810054070 2810054100 2810054110 2810054170 2810054180 2810054230 2810054240 2810054290 2810054310 2810054350 2810054700 STR5003 S6001
Length (L.1)102.5 mm
Length (L.2)37.5 mm
No./Teeth11 qty
Outside Diameter (O.D.1)53.7 mm
Outside Diameter (O.D.2)40.3 mm
Unit TypeDENSO
49-72-87 0280007373 2810054350 1280001880 2810054230 2810054110 0280007372 2810054310 1280007350 CQ2010183 280007372 1280007352 1280007353 280007373 0280007370 2280001300 2810054240 S6001 280007370 1.01.0921.0 SD-5052 SDV38586 2280000662 2810054290 2810054170 0280008762 0280008761 0280008760 87-042 1280009590 1280009591 1280008140 1280009592 1280008141 28011-54070 1280008142 137293 280008760 280008762 280008761 028099-2700 2810054180 0280007661 0280007662 1280000362 0280007660 2810054100 1280000360 1280000361 2810054700 1280008150 1280008151 225417 1280008152 1963 280007660 1012964 280007662 1666163013 280007661 STR5003 2280000400 81012964 2280000640 54-8251 2810054070

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