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SB6009 - Brand new AS-PL Starter motor brush set

Brand new AS-PL Starter motor brush set
Brand new AS-PL Starter motor brush set
NZ$ 8.28 including GST
NZ$ 7.20 excluding GST
Purchase Qty:
0280005730 0280008980 0280009380 0280009510 0280009800 1280000050 1280000111 1280000170 1280000171 1280000710 1280002130 1280006640 1280007460 1280008200 1280008210 1280008350 1280008360 1280008400 1280009710 1280009720 1280009730 1280009740 2280000110 2280000111 2280002570 2280002571 2280002572 2280002573 2280002740 2280002750 2280004390 2280004391 2280004392 2280005300 2280005301 2280005302 2280005303 2280006170 2280006172 2280006173 2280006280 2280006281 2280006283 1546163012 1734163011 1926963011 11928577010 12112077011 0280005730 0280008980 0280009380 0280009510 0280009800 1280000050 1280000111 1280000170 1280000171 1280000710 1280002130 1280006640 1280007460 1280008200 1280008210 1280008350 1280008360 1280008400 1280009710 1280009720 1280009730 1280009740 2280000110 2280000111 2280002570 2280002571 2280002572 2280002573 2280002740 2280002750 2280004390 2280004391 2280004392 2280005300 2280005301 2280005302 2280005303 2280006170 2280006172 2280006173 2280006280 2280006281 2280006283 1546163012 1734163011 1926963011 11928577010 12112077011
Height (H.1)16 mm
Length (L.1)31.3 mm
Length (L.2)23.8 mm
Thickness (T.1)7 mm
Unit TypeDENSO
Voltage12 V
Width (W.1)16 mm
0280009510 1280000710 12112077011 0280008980 1280000111 1280002130 1280008360 2280005302 2280005303 280008980 1280008200 1280008400 1280009730 0.1986.1 280009510 BRX73101 2280005300 2280002750 2280005301 JASX86-87 68-8219-1 2280006281 2280006280 2280006283 1280006640 1280008210 1280009740 1734163011 0280009380 1546163012 11928577010 2280006170 2280004390 2280006173 2280004391 2280006172 1280000050 1280000171 0280005730 280009380 1280000170 2280002573 2280002572 2280002571 2280002570 532778 1280009710 028099-3950 2280004392 280005730 140932 2280000110 2280000111 SBR57234 1926963011 0280009800 1280008350 28140-15090 1280007460 1280009720 68-8219 280009800 2280002740

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