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SRS2010 - Brand new AS-PL Screw

Brand new AS-PL Screw
Brand new AS-PL Screw
NZ$ 0.76 including GST
NZ$ 0.66 excluding GST
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S2001 S114829 S2004 S114850 SBH2002 S0307 0001115079 S6157 2280004391 S0282 0001153007 S0312 0001107062 S6179 1280007713 S0244 0001107425 S3081 3610027700 S2037 S0154 0001109041 4280006700 4280008321 4280007030 4280007033 4380000202 S0243 S0246 0001123028 S0272 UD14905S 4380000-0202 2S6U11000ED S9020 S2041 S13204 S0237 0001137002 S2022 S25505G S0100 0001107437 S0156 0001109031 S0228 0001115045 S2053 S2012 S13556 S0460 0001115076 S0458 0001153009 0001109048 S0397 0001115082 0001107080 S0380 0001112044 S2027 S114815 S2002 S114808 S6072 S2031 S114414 S2016 S114800 S2061 S114881 S2001 S114829 S2004 S114850 SBH2002 S0307 0001115079 S6157 2280004391 S0282 0001153007 S0312 0001107062 S6179 1280007713 S0244 0001107425 S3081 3610027700 S2037 S0154 0001109041 4280006700 4280008321 4280007030 4280007033 4380000202 S0243 S0246 0001123028 S0272 UD14905S 4380000-0202 2S6U11000ED S9020 S2041 S13204 S0237 0001137002 S2022 S25505G S0100 0001107437 S0156 0001109031 S0228 0001115045 S2053 S2012 S13556 S0460 0001115076 S0458 0001153009 0001109048 S0397 0001115082 0001107080 S0380 0001112044 S2027 S114815 S2002 S114808 S6072 S2031 S114414 S2016 S114800 S2061 S114881

Countersink depth (k.13.1 mm
Diameter (D.1)8.5 mm
Diameter (D.2)2.8 mm
Length (b.1)12.3 mm
Length (L.1)15.1 mm
Thread SizePH2 mm
Thread size & pitch (d.)M4x0.7 mm
1110115 1138009 1153007 1107062 0001107062 1153009 0001110115 0001153007 125711002 0001138009 0001153009 S0237 0001138011 S2018 S0239 4280005480 0125711002 S114831 S4034 A1028S S6179 S2012 1138001 0001123028 S0232 1115082 S2014 0001108428 0001107459 S2017 S2016 121715007 0121715007 A14VI15 S114801A 4280007030 1115076 4280007033 S0228 1115079 0001138001 S0460 S2002 S2001 S2004 3610027700 S0100 1107459 1138011 1108428 S3081 S6072 S2031 SBH2002 0001107083 DRA0760 S6191 0001107080 S0533 0001115079 0001115076 4280009140 S2035 S2037 S0497 S2036 S114851 S2039 S114850 S2038 1107038 1107435 4380000202 0001108166 1138039 1142001 F000BL0706 S114901 S114867 3610023120 S114902 S2022 S2089S 0001115082 S0121 S2023 S0484 S0088 S0243 1107437 S0485 S0244 1107436 A9352S 1107439 S0246 S2027 A0569S S2051 S2053 S9242 1109048 UD14905S 1109041 S13204 S0314 S0315 0001137002 1115045 S0272 S25505G S2076S 1280007713 S0154 S0397 S114871 1107425 S0156 S0311 S0312 UD40550SRS 1107495 0001108222 S0380 0001107495 S2041 1108222 A0487S 1109031 0001138039 4280006700 4280008321 S13556 A6133 S114926 S114808 S0307 S114528 1112044 2S6U11000ED 0001107409 1137002 S114800 0001107408 S114881 0001107405 0001107404 S114883 S0389 S9020 S0290 2280004391 1107083 A3289 1107080 S0458 S0217 0001112044 S6286S 0001109031 S114815 0001142001 S114655 1107408 S6157 1107409 S114414 S114535 0001107439 1107404 0001107437 1107405 4380000-0202 0001107436 0001107435 0001107038 S2060 S2062 1108166 S2061 S0282 A0442 0001115045 1123028 S114829 0001109041 0001109048 S0321 0001107425

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