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SRS0111 - Brand new AS-PL Washer

Brand new AS-PL Washer
Brand new AS-PL Washer
NZ$ 0.90 including GST
NZ$ 0.78 excluding GST
No stock in NZ
Item available to backorder, submit your order. Aprox 7-14 day delay - $40 Air freight charge additional
Purchase Qty:
S0037 0001231002 S0138 0001241001 SG0025 0001231014 S0107 SG0022 0001230006 S0129 0001230014 0001231030 0001231032 0001230012 0001241015 63101007 0001231013 0001231017 0001231029 0001231011 0001231008 63191007 0001261002 0001261001 0001231003 0001241020 0001231004 0001231009 S0160 0001262022 S0256 S0429 0001263024 S0286 0001260001 S0481 0001340501 S4051 S0178 S0066 S0037 0001231002 S0138 0001241001 SG0025 0001231014 S0107 SG0022 0001230006 S0129 0001230014 0001231030 0001231032 0001230012 0001241015 63101007 0001231013 0001231017 0001231029 0001231011 0001231008 63191007 0001261002 0001261001 0001231003 0001241020 0001231004 0001231009 S0160 0001262022 S0256 S0429 0001263024 S0286 0001260001 S0481 0001340501 S4051 S0178 S0066
Height (H.1)0.35 mm
Inside Diameter (I.D.1)8.2 mm
Outside Diameter (O.D.1)16.74 mm
Unit TypeBOSCH
1241020 0001241020 1330012 232978 1231029 0001330012 0001230006 1340501 0001231013 0001231011 1230012 0001231017 1230014 S0037 0001231014 0001261002 0001263024 EC41780 0001261001 0001231030 1231030 0001241015 S0107 0001231029 63101007 SG0022 SG0025 S0429 0001340501 0001230012 1231033 1231032 S0066 0001230014 63191007 S4051 0001260001 1241001 0001262022 1260001 1262022 0001241001 1231008 S0138 1231009 0001231033 1231002 0001231032 1231004 S0178 1231003 S0256 1263024 1241015 1261002 S0160 S0645S 1261001 1230006 0001231009 0001231008 S0129 UD040243SRS 0001231002 S0481 1231011 9985D 1231013 S0286 1231014 0001231004 1231017 0001231003

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